Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Daylight Savings Fiasco

Well...being from Arizona where there is no Daylight Savings Time, I always get confused when to change the clocks and whether to move them forward or backward. Well, on Sunday Rob and I decided to take Sadie to Sacrament meeting for the first time. We woke up a little bit late because Sadie kept us up that night, so i had to feed her and get ready in about 45 minutes. Sadie usually takes about 30 minutes to eat which left me with about 15 minutes to shower and get ready. Well, I did get ready barely in time and Rob and I arrived about 5 minutes late. I was proud. WE were out in the hallway and we heard someone bearing their testimony so we were really confused. We asked someone nearby if that was our ward and he said yes and reminded us about Daylight Saving Time. Whoopsie. So we just decided to walk back home.

I was a little upset because I got all ready and dressed, so I asked Rob to take my picture with Sadie.


Kevin_Amold said...

Isn't Daylight Savings Ridiculous?

Wait, I'll tell you.....yes!!

Jenny Bay said...

You two look so cute!! Congratulations!

Lindsay said...

Welcome to the blogging world! And I hate Daylight Savings too-it confuses me beyond belief. Sadie is adorable-and so are you!