Monday, September 23, 2013

Problem solved

 With Sadie starting Kindergarten I was hoping to be able to walk her to school most days.  Well, she is in afternoon kindergarten so we usually need to rush home and put Emery down for a nap, then wake her up to go get Sadie after school.  So I haven't walked very much.  It is a mile to the school, so it would be 2 miles twice a day for little Zac on his bike.  He is usually very good on his bike, but with the need to get home quickly to put Emery down for a nap it didn't seem like it was going to work out.  But I tried it anyway last week and I figured out how it can be done. 

 Sadie can go so fast on this tiny bike.  I am trying to get her more interested in her big bike, but she likes this one the best still.  And her backpack is pretty much bigger than her!  ha ha

 Here is my solution.  I brought a rope and tied to to Zac's handlebars and then connected it to the stroller I was pushing so if he started to slow down too much I would pull him with the rope.  Genius.  It worked like a charm.  Of course, Sadie wanted to be attached too.  Good thing I brought a long rope.  I got a good workout.  
This was on our way to school in the middle of the day.  Then after school was a different story. There were kids everywhere and I was trying to keep the kids from completely blocking the sidewalk so the other school kids could pass us.  It was really difficult.  A few people in my ward asked if I needed a ride home...I guess I looked pretty silly with my two kids connected to a rope on their bikes behind me.  Ha ha.  I finally took someone up on their offer to drive us home.  We could have made it, but the ride was nice too.  Maybe next time we will play on the playground until most of the kids are gone and then we can walk home in peace!  :)