Monday, November 24, 2014

Fall Leaves

Fall in Utah is beautiful!  I forget every year how much I love fall until I see the leaves starting to change colors again.  There are a ton of trees around the canal so in the fall there are leaves everywhere!  The kids love it.  So one warm-ish day we walked down there to play in the leaves.

 First I needed a picture of course!

 Then they let the fun begin!

 I think I was picking leaves out of their hair for a few days after this.

 For a service project for one of Rob's mutual activity they raked leaves around the neighborhood.  Rob got some of the leaves for our garden.  THe kids had a blast spreading them all out.

 Emery probably stayed out there the longest playing with the leaves.  She had found a ton of ladybugs and put them on the ground and was playing with them and the leaves together.  In this dance outfit.  Of course.  ha ha

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