Friday, April 3, 2015

Legos legos legos!

We went to the "Lego Americana Roadshow" that was set up at a mall not far from our house.  I was worried it would be really crowded, but it wasn't too bad.  I was with the kids on my own because Rob was working hard at the duplex.  I met up with a friend and we found all of the displays.  I think Sadie's favorite part of each display was the sign that said what it was and how many people it took to make and how many hours.  It was really neat.

Here is Emery and her friend Ella, and Sadie with her friend Jake in front of the statue of liberty.  

Charlotte and Riley did really well in the strollers.  They liked to look at each other.  :)

Here they are in front of another building.  Not sure which one it is.  And I think it is funny that Sadie likes to wear her soccer uniform from last year all the time.  ha ha

Here is the Washington Monument.  It was so tall, and very hard to get a picture of the whole thing!

Statue of Liberty

Zac wanted a picture of just him with this one.  I think it is the Jefferson Monument.

All of us in front of the liberty bell.

Sadie in front of some other building...

Some kind of church...

And here are the kids in front of the white house I think.. Or the capitol building.  We had a great time.  It was really neat to see the things they can make out of legos!

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