Sunday, June 14, 2015

Summer Time!!

 Sadie's last day of school was June 5th.  Wahoo!  It has been a nice week not having any kind of schedule.  I've worked out a little schedule we go by including chores, reading time, quiet time and outings.  It has worked great so far.  Mostly we have done lots of playing in water in the backyard.  So fun.


They always want to share with Riley.  I think it is because she is so cute when licking a popsicle.  

 Ha ha...

 Slip and slide!  

 Emery is finally getting the hang of it...if you remember, last year she had some trouble...


 Rob put Zac's hat on and Riley wouldn't let him keep it on. 

These kids have so much fun together.  They are so happy Sadie gets to stay home for the summer.  That doesn't mean they get along all the time, but mostly they just play and have fun.  

 Riley loves the water too.  

 These kids were making up a game where they would soak their bums in the water and then run and make bum marks on the cement.  ha ha.  I remember doing the same thing when I was a kid.  Now I just cringe a little thinking about how it is wearing out their swimming suits.  ha ha

 This was Sadie's last day of school.  They had a field day and we were lucky they had lots of leftover otter pops.  They shared with us.  

 Riley loves the slip and slide. 

 Ha ha.  She loves it as long as it isn't spraying right in her face like in this picture.  

 We ambushed Rob after he got home from work one day.  The kids waited and waited with their water guns loaded.  They soaked him pretty good.  Then they tried it again the other day and he caught on so he snuck around the house and got the hose and soaked them!  ha ha  Good times

Riley and I watched and laughed at the water fight from a comfy spot in the shade.  

Here is a video.  I love Emery's technique.


Carrie Selin said...

How fun, fun, fun! I like the drool going on in that last picture too.

lindsy said...

We used to make wet bum prints on the trampoline! Ha ha!