Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Hike with friends

 The week we were going to leave for our vacation to Oregon, Rob spent three days at scout camp.  My friend asked me if I thought we could do the waterfall hike by ourselves with our combined 8 kids.  So we decided to try it.  I never realized how much help Rob was on our hikes until I went without him!  That trail was a lot more steep than I remembered it being.  ha ha

 Here we are at the beginning.

 We made it to the waterfall!  IT was so nice and cool there and it was empty!  Score!  So we let the kids play around in the water and rocks.

 Sadie and her good friend Jake.  

 On the way down I just told the kids to slide on their bums because I couldn't be there to hold all of their hands and it was pretty steep.  This was them at the bottom.  ha ha

 We had a picnic after the hike.  These kids are the cutest! And great little hikers!

On our way home I kept hearing these two laughing really hard at each other.  When I looked back this is what they were laughing at.  ha ha.  

1 comment:

Carrie Selin said...

Woah! Emery is sagging! But what fun!