Monday, March 28, 2016

Warm weather

 We had some warmer weather in Utah for a couple weeks (as i'm typing this though, it is snowing outside!) so the kids and I took advantage of it and played outside a lot and went to a couple parks.  It was fun.

 Sadie loves helping Riley, she doesn't always like the help, but today she did. 

 The kids always love rolling down the hill.  It's a very small hill.  ha ha.

 Cute Riley will swing all day if I let her.  

 Sadie got a kite at school (she won a mystery prize in her class and this is what she chose) so we took it out to the park that day because there was a nice breeze.  She did great!  She kept that kite in the air for a long time!

 I had to go help Riley who had wandered off onto the playground but every time I looked over at Sadie I was so proud of her.  She seemed so grown up flying that kite all by herself!

 Of course we had to spend time on the swings.  Emery had been sick so her picture is mid-cough.

 These two are good friends.

They spent the whole time playing together.  I love it!


lindsy said...

Riley is getting so big! That looks like a fun park!

Carrie Selin said...

Fun times.