Saturday, June 6, 2020

Visit from grandma and grandpa

Grandma and Grandpa came to town!  We love it when they come.  They had to postpone this trip because of Covid-19, but better late than never!  Finley is just in heaven when they are here.  She follows them around and talks their ears off.  It's pretty cute.  My mom always brings fun crafts for the kids to do and helps with lots of projects around the house.  Same with my dad.  He helped cut a hole in our ceiling, fix our oven and he fixed a key on our digital piano that was playing too loud.  They also helped us move a real piano into our house which is always a huge job.  Thank you!!  We love that they help us with things but we also just love to visit with them.  

Finley and Grandma shooting the breeze on the front porch.  

The day they got there we did a primary parade where the primary leaders and teachers drove around to wave at the primary kids in the neighborhood.  Since I'm the music leader, I got to participate.  I rode a bike with a friend at the back of the parade and we threw fruit snacks to the kids.  It was fun to see them.  Here are my kids and grandma and grandpa waiting for the parade to get to them.  

Finley loved trying on grandma and grandpa's glasses.  They had to clean so many fingerprints off of them while they were here. 

We did a chin head concert for my primary kids while they were here.  Thanks for the help!

Grandpa brought his marbles!  Every single time we facetimed with them, Finley would ask him to bring out his marbles and dump them out.  So when he brought them with him, it was a great surprise!

Playing legos is a fun Sunday activity around here.  Or any day activity.  It happens daily. 

My mom is so talented.  She painted these peg people to look like our family.  They turned out so great.  Finley loves playing with them and knows who each of them is supposed to be.

From left to right: Grandma and Gramdpa Kevan, Grandma and Grandpa Selin, Rob, Lindsey, Sadie, Zac Emery, Riley, Finley.  I love how Finley's little head is barely sticking out of the cup.

Our family.  Complete with Rob wearing his Kung Fu outfit.

Grandma and grandpa Selin complete with bowtie.

Grandma and grandpa Kevan complete with wheelchair!  

Uncle Scott sent down this doll house that one of his kids wasn't using anymore.  Thank you!  The kids love it!  Finley would talk whoever she could into playing with it with her.  One time I came downstairs and saw her and grandpa relaxing on these pillows.  So cute!

Grandpa and grandma set up a mystery box adventure for the kids.  They loved it!  Thanks for setting it up!

It first led us to the farm at Gardner Village where the kids got to go on a pony ride!  The farmer that worked there was very friendly and invited the kids to make a smore around the fire.  It was a welcome change from all the social distancing we've been having to do to have someone just welcome us in instead of making sure they were staying away.  It felt good.

The kids had a great time on their ponies. 

Then they had to figure out the next clue.  They really impressed me and figured it out all on their own.  Probably faster than I would have!

Riley and Emery wanted to check out the fairy wings.

So fun.

Rob wanted to be a fairy too.  :)

The kids figured out the next clue and then we saw this duck family.  Why are baby animals so adorable?

The mystery box ended up leading us to Dairy Queen for a yummy treat.  Thank you grandma and grandpa.  It was a fun adventure!

This is one of the crafts my mom brought for the kids to do.  I was impressed because they all got one of these things they had to hand sew together and they all put in the work and did it!  It took a few hours and they all stuck with it and finished it.  I'll have to add pictures of the other kids with theirs.  

My dad is so good at figuring things out.  I learned a few things watching him.  He takes pictures as he goes in case he forgets how to put it back together.  Genius!! Thanks for fixing the piano.  It sounds great now!

Grandma even played Mariokart with the kids.  

Here we are loading up the piano into the truck we rented from Home Depot.  My uncle even came and helped.  That was really nice to have all of the extra hands.  When we returned the truck to Home Depot, we talked to the same guy that rented it to us.  He had given us all the rules and had a fun conversation before we got the piano.  I remember Rob making a joke when he said we couldn't even chew gum in the truck.  So when we returned it the guy went out to check on the condition of the truck to make sure we didn't trash it.  When he came back and said everything looked good Rob said "You didn't find the gum then huh?"  He replied "no, you must have hid that good!"  It was so funny.  I couldn't stop laughing all the way home.  Now it doesn't seem as funny, but it really was.  Guess you had to be there!

My mom painted our front door.  I will have to post picture of it all done.  I love it. 

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