Thursday, February 25, 2021

Adventures in the kitchen

Finley is always wanting to help me in the kitchen.  I don't remember my other kids being as excited as she is to help me every day.  Even at lunch she'll pull up the stool next to me and say "I want to help you make lunch mom!"  It's so cute.  I love it.  So I've been checking out cookbooks from the library and trying lots of new recipes with my little helper.  She loves helping mix, pour, and crack eggs.  She calls me the "getter" and she is the "dumper".  

She really loves it when we use the hand mixer!

Bonus if it is something chocolate!

Zac was hit with a nasty cough/cold recently and had to miss a whole week of school. He always gets hit harder with sickness than the rest of us...I think it has to do with the fact that he had asthma when he was younger and he has really bad allergies. Who knows?  So he got to spend some time in the kitchen with us.  When I went to my parent's house to hike the Grand Canyon, my mom let me take home a bunch of the lemons from her tree.  Zac got to squeeze them to make lemonade.  It was a lot of work...and he did it!  And it was delicious.

It would have been a lot easier with one of those juicer things, but he just used his muscles and squeezed all the juice out of those lemons!

And here's me.  Trying out the first recipe in Joanna Gaines cookbook.  Emery loves biscuits so I think it was a winner for her!  Also, supposedly you can freeze these before they get baked and then bake them from frozen anytime.  So I have some in the freezer to try out.  

Here's to more adventures in the kitchen!!

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