Friday, May 27, 2022

Volleyball for Sadie and Emery

Emery and Sadie tried out volleyball a month or so ago.  They loved it.  We spent hours and hours out in our front yard practicing serving and bumping the ball around.  They improved so much.  Sadie wanted to learn how to overhand serve the ball over the net and Emery's goal was to be able to serve the ball underhand over the net from the back line.  Since it's rec volleyball the girls can pretty much serve from anywhere on the court.  

Sadie got her overhand serve about halfway through the season and Emery got her underhand serve over the net a handful of times on her last game!  I was so proud because they both put a lot of effort into learning a new skill and it paid off!  

Here's Emery's team.  

Sadie's team.  :)

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