Saturday, December 12, 2009

More snow

We woke up to more snow this morning. I think snow is so pretty and Sadie just loves loves loves to play in it. Until her fingers get cold...

Rob is always very good about keeping our walkway shoveled and looking really nice. We both hate it when our driveway is covered in ice because that is how it was when we moved into our house 2 years ago and it was not fun. So he keeps on top of shoveling. This morning he was shoveling for almost 2 hours because he did our driveway and walkway really well, and then he walked across the street and shoveled a lady in our ward's driveway. He did have an interruption in the middle though when I informed him that a car was stuck in the snow down the street. So he ran over there and tried to help him get out for about 15 minutes until finally a guy with a four wheeler came over and pulled him out of it.

Later on in the day I noticed that our next door neighbor that we don't know very well, except that we wave whenever we see him, was also stuck in the snow. But his car was almost completely out of the driveway so it was blocking the road. I heard him revving his engine for about 3 or 4 minutes thinking that he would be able to get it out. So I told Rob and he ran out and pushed the front of the car and it got unstuck. Then he figured he might as well shovel his driveway too since he was in a shoveling mood. So he literally spent about an hour, maybe more, on his driveway. When he was almost done, Sadie woke up from her nap so I bundled her up so we could go "help". IT was fun, but by that time it was raining, so we didn't stay out too long.

Here are some pictures of Sadie helping Daddy.

It was hard for her to even lift the shovel, but she really wanted to help.

Here she is inspecting her new gloves that we found at the dollar store. They are too big, but they keep her hands warm.


All done! After we got inside, we all got ready and went to the indoor pool. It was such a fun day but I am affraid that Rob will be so sore tomorrow!!!

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