I have finally put all of the pictures from Christmas vacation on my computer so I thought I would take a minute to update the blog. I really should do that more often! We got to spend about 2 weeks down in Warm Arizona with my family and spend time in their new BIG house. It was great and Sadie loved just running and running around in it. Although now that we are home, she is still trying to run around a lot, but there is not enough room. :) Anyway, we had a great time spending time with my parents and brother and we can't wait to see them all again.
I will warn you, there are lots of pictures on this post so I thought I would just explain the pictures as I go along instead of writing a lot aobut our trip. I will let the pictures do the talking. Here we go.
One os the cool things we got to do while we were there was see my cousin Jill get married. That was really fun and Sadie just LOVED dancing at the reception. Check it out...

This is all of us at the end of the night when she finally let me join her dancing. She really did dance the night away.

Dancing with Daddy.

Dancing with my cousin Carolyn and her little boy.

Dancing with Grandpa.

And here she is dancing with my Uncle Doug. She was mostly dancing by herself most of the night though. Running in circles...that is her favorite dance move.

We spent a lot of time at the park in my parent neighborhood. It was a fun little park but Sadie's favorite thing about it was the SAND! (Excuse her hair in this picture...I am trying to grow it out, but she never leaves a clip in it. I might just give in a cut it pretty soon because it is always in her face!)

Sadie with her buckets and shovels ready to play in the sand. I really did wash that sweater about 5 times while we were down there. :)
Here are some pictures from Christmas morning. It was so fun to watch Sadie open all of her presents. She was so excited!

Here she is on her favorite toy of all...her bike! Unfortunately, we had to leave it in Arizona because we flew back and couldn't bring it with us. But my parents will bring it up the next time they come.

Here is my mom in her lovely new apron that my sister in law made for her. It is so cute!

The boys...I mean Men in their new pajama pants. They look like denim jeans, but they aren't. Crazy!

My mom made this new blanket for Sadie because her favorite green blankets are getting really nasty. She chews on all the corners. Anyway, she now loves this blanket but she also still loves her nasty green ones. I think we will need to "lose" those soon.

Daddy and Sadie making a gingerbread house.

She actually helped a little bit while she was eating all of the candy in her reach.

Sadie and Grandma playing in the sand. Grandma was not scared to get her hands dirty while playing with sadie in the sand...mom on the other hand tried to keep the sand out of her shoes, but wasn't very successful.

This last picture is actually at my house when my parents were here right before Christmas. Every time either grandma or grandpa would take a shower or go to the bathroom, she would stand at the door and knock until they came out pretty much. Then she realized that she could stick her fingers under the door and she would say "hug???" It was pretty cute.
Phew that was a lot of pictures. More to come later of Sadie's trip to the zoo and of her new bed!