It was the perfect size for both of them to fit. So cute!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Sadie and Hunter
Sadie has so many friends these days...there's Jake across the street, Kate, Liam, Teagan, all of our Cub scouts and Hunter. Hunter came over yesterday and Sadie just loved it. They played in a box that her and grandma have been decorating for the past couple days while his mom and I chatted. It was so cute. I just had to take some pictures.

It was the perfect size for both of them to fit. So cute!
It was the perfect size for both of them to fit. So cute!
Calvin and Sadie
The other night, my mom watched Calvin so my brother and sister in law could go on a date. It was so fun having him at our house. Sadie just loved playing with him. She held his hand, read him some books, and of course hugged him and kissed him. He is such a cutie! We are going to miss seeing him and his parents this summer!

She was next to him right after he got to our house. And pretty much didn't leave his side except when we forced her to eat dinner!
She was next to him right after he got to our house. And pretty much didn't leave his side except when we forced her to eat dinner!
More Zac Pictures
Here are some more pictures of our precious Zac. Sadie just loves him to death and is doing great being a big sister. Poor Zac always has to deal with her trying to hug and kiss him, but it is very sweet and she is always very careful.

Right before we left the hospital. Fun!
Right before we left the hospital. Fun!
That's all for now. I really want to get a better camera so all my pictures aren't blurry. It will be at least a few months though. We are just loving having little Zac with us. And did I mention he slept for 7 hours last night? I could get used to that! But I don't think I will, because it was probably just a one time thing. :)
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Welcome Zachary!
Anyway, we will be going home from the hospital this afternoon, but I thought I would post a few pictures for those who are excited to see little Zac!
Sadie meeting little brother for the first time! He is about 3 or 4 hours old here. She just loves him and is a great big sister! Don't you just love how flattering those hospital gowns are! Yikes.
These pictures are to just tide everyone over...we will definitely be posting more when we get home and settled in. Yay!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Noodles for lunch
These pictures are from last week, but I wanted to post them for the grandparents. Lately, Sadie has been making the funniest facial expressions. The other day when we were eating noodles for lunch, she started "drinking" them out of her bowl. I don't know where she learned that, but it was hilarious! Take a look!
Did you see what I did Mommy?
This is what happened when she tried it again. She thought it was so funny!
I can't remember what she was doing here...I think she was counting or something.
She definitely keeps us on our toes. She is such a cutie and I think she will be a really good big sister! When I ask her if she wants to meet her baby brother, she says "hold him? Hug him?" Seeing the way she acts with her almost 4 month old cousin Calvin definitely lets me know she will love having a little baby around (at least at first), but I also now know that I will need to keep my eye on her. She likes to be very....CLOSE! It is really cute though.
Monday is the big day. I will be induced sometime on Monday and hopefully be here shortly after that! We will be sure to update the blog with pictures for all you family and friends who are interested! We are excited!
These pictures are from last week, but I wanted to post them for the grandparents. Lately, Sadie has been making the funniest facial expressions. The other day when we were eating noodles for lunch, she started "drinking" them out of her bowl. I don't know where she learned that, but it was hilarious! Take a look!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Sunny days
I love the sun. I'm not one that loves to sit out and get tanned or anything, I just love it when the sun is out because that means that Sadie and I can go play outside! She just loves to be outside. We spent the entire day outside yesterday. We started bright and early...well maybe 9 am (she woke up at 5 so I felt like I was already half way through my day!) by watching Rob mow the lawn in the backyard. Then we headed over to Home Depot (which was super crowded) to get plants for our garden. By the time we got home and got the car unloaded, it was time for lunch. So we ate and put Sadie down for a nap. Rob stayed outside and rotatilled the garden so we could plant our plants later. When Sadie finally woke up, our friends Brad and Becky came over and we all watched the boys cut down our apple tree with a chain saw. That was pretty fun.
Then after Sadie was asleep, Rob went out and planted the garden and didn't get back inside until about 9 pm. He worked alllllllll day. But our backyard looks great! And so does our garden.
So here are some pictures from yesterday and last week in general as we enjoyed spending time in the sun.

Sadie's new favorite activity is coloring with her chalk and then painting over it with water. Thanks mom for reminding me that we used to do this as kids. Sadie loves it!
Then after Sadie was asleep, Rob went out and planted the garden and didn't get back inside until about 9 pm. He worked alllllllll day. But our backyard looks great! And so does our garden.
So here are some pictures from yesterday and last week in general as we enjoyed spending time in the sun.
Sadie's new favorite activity is coloring with her chalk and then painting over it with water. Thanks mom for reminding me that we used to do this as kids. Sadie loves it!
I love that she loves to clean up!
Sadie is such a funny girl! She loves to "make a mess" and then clean it up. Her most favorite "mess" to make is dumping out all 7 or 8 of our little wooden puzzles onto the floor and mix up all the pieces. Then she runs over to me and says "uh oh...mess in here!" So then we get to clean it up. Sometimes I have the privilege of her singing the clean up song as we clean up. I love that I caught this on video...I've been trying to for weeks!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Can't sleep
Here I am at 5 am on the computer. I could not sleep. I have been awake since 3 and felt like I was keeping Rob awake so I finally decided to get up and do something. I just couldn't stop thinking about stuff...mostly about having this baby but at 3 am you can worry about strange things!
Only 2 weeks until my due date! I'm so excited and nervous to finally have this baby. Sometimes I just can't wait for Sadie to meet him and to be a mother of 2...but other times I find myself wondering "what are you thinking??!! You are not ready to have 2 kids running around!" Too late for that I guess. No but really, we are all pretty excited to meet this little guy. He can come any day now. I hope he waits till my mom gets here at least.
So last night I had an incident with my glue gun. I was trying to make a fabric rosette by bunching up some fabric and gluing a piece of felt on the back to hold it in place. Well, my first mistake is that I didn't know what I was doing. My second mistake was trying to do it while watching the biggest loser. My third mistake was putting way too much glue because there wasn't enough light. Anyway, I got burned really bad on 4 of my fingers because as I tried to shake the burning glue off of my fingers, the fabric began to become "unbunched" and kept getting more and more glue on my other hand. Finally I shook it off and it landed in my hair so I left it there as I tried to peel off all the glue that was still burning my fingers. IT HURT! I have 4 blisters on my fingers now and it was burning for about 2 hours last night.
Needless to say, my glue gun is being put away today for at least a week. I'll stick to sewing.
Only 2 weeks until my due date! I'm so excited and nervous to finally have this baby. Sometimes I just can't wait for Sadie to meet him and to be a mother of 2...but other times I find myself wondering "what are you thinking??!! You are not ready to have 2 kids running around!" Too late for that I guess. No but really, we are all pretty excited to meet this little guy. He can come any day now. I hope he waits till my mom gets here at least.
So last night I had an incident with my glue gun. I was trying to make a fabric rosette by bunching up some fabric and gluing a piece of felt on the back to hold it in place. Well, my first mistake is that I didn't know what I was doing. My second mistake was trying to do it while watching the biggest loser. My third mistake was putting way too much glue because there wasn't enough light. Anyway, I got burned really bad on 4 of my fingers because as I tried to shake the burning glue off of my fingers, the fabric began to become "unbunched" and kept getting more and more glue on my other hand. Finally I shook it off and it landed in my hair so I left it there as I tried to peel off all the glue that was still burning my fingers. IT HURT! I have 4 blisters on my fingers now and it was burning for about 2 hours last night.
Needless to say, my glue gun is being put away today for at least a week. I'll stick to sewing.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
She's gonna be a singer!
Just check it out!
The first song she was singing was Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.
The next song, I can't really figure out what it is...but she sings it often. It sounds like she is saying "to bed, to bed..." Any guesses on what song it is?
The first song she was singing was Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.
The next song, I can't really figure out what it is...but she sings it often. It sounds like she is saying "to bed, to bed..." Any guesses on what song it is?
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Remember when...
I posted about our fence blowing down a few months ago? Well, the weather finally got nice enough for Rob to get out there and put it back together a few weekends ago. I know it is hard to believe after looking at those Easter pictures, but a week or so ago, the weather was soooo nice.
So on a Saturday afternoon, we all went out and watched Rob put up the fence. :)

Sadie and I were going through our backyard and picking up rocks. It really is ridiculous how many rocks are in our backyard. And they aren't just tiny rocks either. They are BIG rocks. I don't know where they came from but we will get all those rocks someday. Just a little at a time!

We filled that bucket of rocks by just going through a small section of our backyard. No joke. Now, the question is what do we do with them? Right now the bucket is stuck way far out in our backyard because I can't even lift it anymore. Oh boy...

After we picked up rocks for a while, I needed to sit down. It is hard to bend over and pick things up for long periods of time when you are almost 37 weeks pregnant. (well...I was about 35 weeks at the time, but you get the point.) So we lounged around in these chairs. It was fun!

And then we decided to move all of the tomato cages that were crushed when the fence fell down. Sadie was a big helper...if you can't tell by the picture, this is her stuck inside of one. She is so funny!
So on a Saturday afternoon, we all went out and watched Rob put up the fence. :)
Sadie and I were going through our backyard and picking up rocks. It really is ridiculous how many rocks are in our backyard. And they aren't just tiny rocks either. They are BIG rocks. I don't know where they came from but we will get all those rocks someday. Just a little at a time!
We filled that bucket of rocks by just going through a small section of our backyard. No joke. Now, the question is what do we do with them? Right now the bucket is stuck way far out in our backyard because I can't even lift it anymore. Oh boy...
After we picked up rocks for a while, I needed to sit down. It is hard to bend over and pick things up for long periods of time when you are almost 37 weeks pregnant. (well...I was about 35 weeks at the time, but you get the point.) So we lounged around in these chairs. It was fun!
And then we decided to move all of the tomato cages that were crushed when the fence fell down. Sadie was a big helper...if you can't tell by the picture, this is her stuck inside of one. She is so funny!
We can't wait for the warm weather to come back so we can play outside again! Just a few minutes ago, I looked outside to see snow blowing completely horizontally past our house. Sheesh. I feel bad for all the kids who are on spring break this week. Spring...come back!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Happy Easter!

This is Sadie in her Easter outfit. I was too cheap to buy her an expensive dress from the store, so I made her this cute little skirt. I just made up the pattern so I am pretty happy with how it turned out.

Here is Sadie and Daddy figuring out their "strategy" to get the most candy. There were quite a few people there. Luckily they split it up into age groups so the oldest people Sadie had to fend off were three year olds. :)
Check out all her loot!
This was us after all the candy was found. The event started at 10am and we were in the car on our way home by 10:10am. No joke. That is what our clock in the car said. It was good though because then we got to hear most of the first session of conference! And it was cold! And yes, that is me with crazy bed head....I didn't look in the mirror before we left. Oops

Yep...that meant I had to dig out her SNOW boots! There was quite a bit of snow on the ground. But she didn't mind.

She had good eyes! I love how she is trying so hard not to get snow on her hand as she reaches for the egg.

Then we invited our downstairs tenant's little boy to come and join the fun. it was a blast. Sadie loved showing him how to get the eggs and put them in his basket.
Sadie and Aunt Crystal!
Our friends the Perry's also came over to watch Sunday's afternoon session of conference and they brought their little girl. Sadie loved her. And I love her face in this picture, she is so happy to be petting her on the head!
Here she is showing off her new tattoo she got in her Easter basket!
This is Sadie in her Easter outfit. I was too cheap to buy her an expensive dress from the store, so I made her this cute little skirt. I just made up the pattern so I am pretty happy with how it turned out.
Wow...this Easter was such a fun time! It was great to be able to listen to the words of our apostles and Prophet as a reminder of why we celebrate Easter. Although it is hard to listen to General conference with a 2 year old running around. :) It was great though.
Sadie is getting old enough to kind of know what is going on...I can't wait until next year when she will be even more excited about holidays. Such fun.
Anyway...We started off our Easter fun on Saturday by attending a city Easter egg hunt. It was so cold outside, but it was really fun for Sadie and she did a good job collecting the candy. She also loved watching the other kids pick up candy too. It was cute.
Sadie is getting old enough to kind of know what is going on...I can't wait until next year when she will be even more excited about holidays. Such fun.
Anyway...We started off our Easter fun on Saturday by attending a city Easter egg hunt. It was so cold outside, but it was really fun for Sadie and she did a good job collecting the candy. She also loved watching the other kids pick up candy too. It was cute.
Here is Sadie and Daddy figuring out their "strategy" to get the most candy. There were quite a few people there. Luckily they split it up into age groups so the oldest people Sadie had to fend off were three year olds. :)
Then on Sunday morning, I got up and started making some cinnamon rolls, and while we were waiting for the dough to be done, we noticed that the Easter bunny had come to our house! So we got Sadie ready to go outside and see what he had left for her.
Yep...that meant I had to dig out her SNOW boots! There was quite a bit of snow on the ground. But she didn't mind.
She had good eyes! I love how she is trying so hard not to get snow on her hand as she reaches for the egg.
Then we invited our downstairs tenant's little boy to come and join the fun. it was a blast. Sadie loved showing him how to get the eggs and put them in his basket.
Then Rob's sister who just got back from serving a mission in New York City came by and hung out with us for the day. Sadie took a little while to warm up to her, but she just loved having her here. We are so glad that she is back and are excited to spend more time with her.
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