My mom has been in town for a couple weeks. It has been so great to have help with baby Zachary and Sadie. She really has been busy. Here are a few of the things she has been up to:

We took Sadie to feed the ducks (before Zac was born). She chased Sadie around so I didn't have to! It was nice!

She got to play with Calvin a lot too! Calvin is just such a cutie and we are going to miss him and his parents this summer!

She went to my brother Evan's graduation and when little Calvin was having a hard time, she walked around with him and put him to sleep. Unfortunately, he woke up a while later and his mom had to take him out for the rest of the ceremony.
He sure is cute though!

She has done lots of work around the house. She has cooked, cleaned and she even painted our bathroom and stained the cabinets! This is when she was cleaning under the fridge...who knows how long it had been since it had been cleaned. I know it has been at least a couple years. It was yucky! But now I know how to clean it and will hopefully do it every few months or so.

This box has been where Sadie and Grandma spend a lot of their time. Sadie loves to color on her box with Grandma. They do it at least once a day. There aren't very many empty spots to color anymore. :)

And of course, she has been holding baby Zac a lot. She is very good at getting him to sleep. This is her first time holding him in the hospital.

And she keeps Sadie occupied while I have to feed Zac. Who knows what I will do with her when my mom leaves! Just kidding...I will figure something out. This is them making a yummy yellow cake for the super delicious strawberries that I bought. It was delicious!
That is just a small list of things that she has been up to while she has been here. We will sure miss her when she has to go back to her life in Arizona! I know that Sadie will especially miss her. Thanks for all your help grandma!
PS. Zac is excited to meet his Grandma and Grandpa Kevan and Grandpa Selin in July!
My mom