Today was a really fun day for Sadie and Zachary. We went to the dinosaur museum at BYU and then we went to the pumpkin patch to get some pumpkins. The pumpkin patch was a lot cooler than I thought it was going to be. I don't remember ever going to one before, so I was really impressed. There were animals for the kids to look at, there was a big pit of corn to play in and a little mini hay maze. I loved watching Sadie in the hay maze. She was just running all around trying to find the way out. Then she walked all through the pumpkin patch to find the perfect pumpkin. She looked at a ton of pumpkins, but she finally picked one for her and one for Zac. She was so sad when it was time to go home. We will probably go back to get another pumpkin just so Sadie can go play again! :)

Us sitting around the corn pit. Sadie LOVED this. It was really hard to get her to leave.

Digging in the corn...getting dirty.

My man carrying the pumpkins. Check out those guns!!

This was Zac's pumpkin that Sadie picked for him. When we rolled it over, there were 2 worms on it. It was pretty amusing.

This is the hay maze. Sadie figured it out pretty fast.

This is the llama. There were some goats and a sheep too. The goats kept trying to ram a little dog that was outside the fence. It was pretty funny.
In the morning, we went to the museum of paleontology at BYU. It was perfect for Sadie and her friend Jake. It is a pretty small museum, but lucky for us, the kids didn't realize that they looked at everything about 12 times. It was a really fun trip! Jake and Sadie had lots of fun.

Us next to some really sharp looking teeth.

Sadie wasn't scared at all of the dinosaur heads. Unless I told her they were going to eat her...

Jake and Sadie playing peek-a-boo in the dinosaur's mouth.
It was a fun and busy day. I'm just hoping that she will sleep really well tonight and maybe she will even sleep in tomorrow morning. Keep your fingers crossed!