We had an awesome time last week visiting cousins and aunts and uncles and grandparents. Unfortunately we didn't get to see the grandparents for longer than a few hours because Zac had another episode that landed him in the hospital in Portland for a few days. But at least we got to see Crystal's actual sealing and be in some of the pictures at the temple.
This post is going to be about the second half of our vacation...and tomorrow hopefully I will post about the first half. Warning-lots of pictures!

In the hotel, the cooler is what kept Zac occupied most of the time. He was getting sick and so he was pretty fussy (what's new??) so this was a life saver. He would run over and turn it on, and then run away smiling. So funny. And I love his hair in this picture. I think he needs a haircut soon!

This is what we did while Crystal and Alan were getting married in the temple. I stayed out with the kids because I was so worried about Zac, and they all sat and watched a movie. Toy Story 3. Sadie's favorite movie. Matt and her were soooo funny. They would say "this is the funny part" and laugh together. So funny.

Our attempt at a family picture.

Sadie was the first person to run up to the newlyweds. She chatted for a while and gave hugs while everyone else came over to see them.

The cute kids.

They got a jelly bean every time they sat still for pictures. I think it is funny that Andrew always got a treat too. He wasn't even in the pictures. Ha ha.

Zac is missing from this picture, but I love this one.

Here is one with great grandma. I think Thea was a little tired of taking pictures. Ha ha.
After the pictures were done, we took off to urgent care...who sent us to another urgent care, who sent us to the ER where Zac was admitted to the hospital. His oxygen was really low so they needed to put him on oxygen and x-ray his lungs. He had ear infections and pneumonia which must have come on really fast because Ben (Rob's brother who is a PA) had been checking his ears and listening to his lungs the previous days. It really is amazing how fast he can go downhill! Anyway, they discovered that he probably has asthma and he is on medication for that now, so hopefully no more hospital visits!

They used this weird tape that didn't hardly stick at all to hold the oxygen on. It was all over his face, so when he smiled it looked so funny.

It was really hard to get him to go to sleep at the hospital...and when we did get him to sleep, his oxygen would go low again, so they would have to come wake him up to put oxygen on again. It was a vicious cycle...but when I did get him to sleep...he just looked so cute!

They finally brought in some toys and that made him happy.

When Sadie came to visit she loved to play with Zac. But she mostly liked to play in his bed. One time she climbed in and covered up and said "look mommy, I'm sick like Zac" It was pretty funny. She even made a pretty good sick face. :)

Finally they let us go on Sunday morning and Rob got to carry Zac out of the hospital while riding in a wheelchair. Fun stuff. We got to the place where we were staying (thanks so much sanchez family!!!) and quickly changed our flight and made it back to SLC by the end of the day.