Monday, May 30, 2011

Day with Thomas the Train

On Saturday, we got to take the kids to see Thomas the Train in Heber Utah. It was pretty fun. There were lots of people and lots of activities to do. Sadie got to go mini golfing, get a Thomas tattoo, play with bubbles and take a ride on Thomas the train. That was definitely the best part! We went on Saturday morning and fortunately, the rain had stopped long enough for us to have a fun day in Heber.

This was Zac's favorite part. He loved splashing in this little puddle.

Sadie and Thomas!

On our way home...we stopped for another quick picture. Her balloon sword lasted about as long as it took us to put on her seat belt in the car and then it basically deflated. sad.

Golfing. She would hit the ball and then pick it up with her hand and put it right next to the hole. Good strategy!

This was Rob's favorite part. He golfed two of the holes I think. :) Sadie is so generous!

The tattoo parlor...I mean tent. She still has that thing on her arm...thanks goodness I didn't let her put it on her face!

On the train! Zac did pretty well, but got pretty wiggly after about 15 minutes.

Handsome boy.

Cute! They handed out these certificates to all the kids on the train.

I just love Sadie's face! She was so excited the whole time we were there. She had a blast!


Shirl and Bill said...

Great fun for the kids.....

lindsy said...

Ooh, I'll have to show these to Matt and Wyatt. They would totally love to go do this! Wow, looks like a fun day :)