The kids went out with Rob this year for some trick or treating. I guess Zac loved ringing the doorbells and Sadie was the one who said "trick or treat". That is a good system I guess. They got some good loot and it looked like they had a fun time. And since they went to bed I haven't heard a I guess it wore them out.
Last Thursday we had our ward Halloween party. The primary was in charge of it so I was kinda stressed out that week. But it turned out great. Everything went smoothly and the decorations turned out pretty good.
As always, the pictures are out of order!

Crys and Alan came by on Halloween to show off their costumes and check out Sadie and Zac's. They were Angry Birds.

Sadie and her good friend Jake at the ward Halloween party. They didn't want their picture taken. But check out that lion costume. Jake's grandma made that for him! Pretty awesome!

I love this picture because you can see the little tail sticking out! So cute! I call it a dinosaur costume, but Sadie says it is a dragon. Either way, it is cute!

And our little pegacorn.

Before they left for trick or treating.

And here is a family shot. Rob and I didn't dress up this year. But the cuteness of our kids makes up for it I think!

These are just pictures of the set up for the ward Halloween party. This is where all of the food got put.

I made
these for table runners. Pretty cute I think! And cheap cheap cheap!

And these were our awards for costumes and pumpkins. They were also cheap and easy.

This was our little photo booth where families could get their pictures taken.

And this was the kids favorite part. The homemade rootbeer. No. They didn't drink any, but they loved watching it being made. All that dry ice. Pretty cool.
Anyway our Halloween weekend was pretty was yours?