Sunday, February 26, 2017


Sadie is really growing up.  She is such a beautiful, smart, loving, helpful girl.  She loves being in gymnastics and activity days.  Here are some things she has been up to this last month.

 Sadie decided she wanted to get her hair cut short.  It hurt my heart a little bit, but I decided to just let go and give her this one.  I set up an appt with a hairstylist in our ward and off we went.

 I couldn't stop taking before pictures.  ha ha.  It was a fun little date we went on.

 While she was in the chair she just kept staring at herself in the mirror.  She was in heaven.  She loves her short hair and so do I.  She looks beautiful.

 After!  Such a cutie!

Then a few days later I got to volunteer at Sadie's school for a little activity they did.  They each got a "job" and got some money to spend on things like housing, food, clothes and fun things.  IT was fun to see what the kids spent their money on.  Some of them bought mansions for their homes and then had to go return them because they ran out of money.  ha ha.  I was proud of Sadie because she had money left over at the end.  Such a good little saver.  

 At the beginning she sat down and organized all her money.  Then she came and visited me at my booth.

 Its so fun to see her at school with her friends.

Then right before we left for AZ Sadie and Rob got to go to a daddy daughter dance.  They got dressed up and had a grand old time.  

I love these two.  

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