Sunday, August 25, 2019

Splash Pad fun

 We went with some friends to a bakery in Lehi and got donuts and went to the splash pad.  I really liked the splash pad because it was big enough for the kids to have fun, but small enough for me to keep my eyes on them.  Also, there was a little playground close by with SHADE!!  It was amazing.  I want to go back, but it takes about 30 minutes to get there...maybe someday. 

Here are the kids with their donut selections.  Emery was mad about something, but managed to sit still for a picture.  Finley just licked the frosting off of hers and then stole Riley's that was left unattended and got some of her frosting too.  ha ha.

 This particular bakery is known for their square donuts.  So I got one of those for myself.  It was pretty tasty.

 Sadie and Zac enjoyed blocking the water and then letting it go.  

 Here is Finley chilling in the shade at the park.

 Emery, Riley, Faxon and Stella.  We love our friends!

 Then on the way home we stopped at Smith's because earlier that day I saw an advertisement saying the Wienermobile was going to be there.  We stopped by and the lady gave me some coupons and gave all the kids a wiener whistle.  

 Here are the kids enjoying another splash pad with our friends Lucy and Maggie.  

 We found the best day to go...there was like nobody there.

 Zac one day decided to be a good big brother and he bought all his sisters an icee at Target.  What a nice brother.

 And here are some random pictures from the time we got to watch Juniper while her parents went out on a birthday date for Crys.  

This cute snuggling didn't last long, but they are so cute!!!

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