Thursday, May 7, 2020

Quarantine with a 2 year old.

Up until a few months ago, I was thinking Finley was such a breeze to parent.  I mean she definitely has her days that she throws fits and tantrums, but that just comes with growing up.  I can handle that.  Until a few months ago, she never really got into things that she wasn't supposed to.  I thought (hoped) we had skipped that stage.  Well, I was wrong.  I think before it was easier for me to keep her out of things because in the mornings, it was just her and me hanging out and if it got quiet, I noticed really quickly and found her before she could get into anything.  Well, now that all the kids are home, whenever I realize I've been helping a child for a while and haven't heard Finley, I panic a little bit. 

She's such a cutie it's hard to get upset with her.  Here are just a few things she's been up to lately:

She knows how to open the back door.  Most of the time she just goes out there when there is another kid out there to play with.   But it's harder to open the door to come inside.  So sometimes she gets shut out in the backyard.  I will come and find her quietly knocking on the back door, who knows how long she's been standing there waiting for someone to let her back in.  This time she was squishing her face against the glass.  

 We got some puffy sidewalk paint and she loved it.  I made the rainbow.  But she was really good at tipping those bottles upside down and emptying them all in one big blob on the ground.  ha ha.

 When she plays with our bean bucket, she always is very careful when I'm in the room.  Then if I leave for a minute or two, I come back to this.  She has mastered the art of timing.  

This one is recent.  I've had to warn Rob about her tactics because she does this while he is working in the same room as him!!  She will sneak into my bathroom and get into my makeup drawer and put as much on as she can before I realize she is being too quiet and come find her.  She always puts it on her forehead.  The other day, I caught her wiping my pink lip gloss on her forehead.  And when I find her, she sprints away giggling.  Silly Goose.  I just need to find a new spot for my makeup.  It has happened a couple times a day the past few days.  I told Rob that if she is back there behind him being quiet...assume she is up to no good!  

 When we went to go look at the flags at the park, she walked up to each one for a long stretch and hugged each flag and quietly said "I love you flag".  It was so cute.

 She was my helper when I was making my new chair.  I looked back and saw her doing this.  I had just been doing the same thing.  I thought it was so cute!

 With all the older kids home, the markers and crayons get left out a lot.  Finley takes full advantage and gets as much coloring done before I catch her.  This time she "painted her toes." 

This was her giving her baby a bath.  The green blanket was the water.  Then she decided to join her so she took all her clothes off and jumped in.  ha ha!

1 comment:

Carrie Selin said...

She's a two-year old alright. At least she isn't mean or really destructive.