One of the days, we went out and colored chalk on grandma and grandpa's driveway. The sprinkler was turned on to keep us all cool, and then it was a game to draw in the water and not let the drawing get washed away. All the kids were soaked by the end.

When it's really hot, you might as well get soaked while coloring to keep you cool when the occasional breeze comes by.
Zac started drawing people or monsters out of only one shape. This was his triangle guy.
Grandma and grandpa watched from the shade of the garage.
After lunch we headed over to Scott and Christi's house to swim with them. We stopped at the dollar store to pick up some goggles for the kids.
Finley fell asleep really quickly in the car.
The girls tried on their goggles to make sure they fit on the way to the pool.
The pool was really nice and empty. There were just a few people there, so we mostly had it to ourselves. The very shallow baby pool was pretty much like a hot tub. Not super refreshing, but the bigger pool was a bit cooler.
Emery hanging out in the tube.
There was also an actual hot tub there. The kids would jump in and get hot and then go jump in the regular pool to make it feel colder. I couldn't get all the way into the hot tub. It was really hot!
When we were done swimming, we headed back to Scott's house and hung around a while. The kids played some video games. Scott grilled burgers and hot dogs to perfection and we all enjoyed a delicious dinner poolside.
Finley really loved her cousin Cade. He tolerated her. ha ha!!
The next day, my mom had a huge surprise up her sleeve. Rob took the kids to the store to help the kids buy food for our mystery dinner that night and when they got back...
This was in the backyard! We had it up all day and it was such a blast! Not many injuries either...except that there was either a rock or a sprinkler head underneath that people kept landing on.
Finley had a nice little set up in the shade. She never actually went down the slide. It was too tall and scary for her.
She hung out a lot in the shade.
Grandpa and grandma joined in on the fun too!
Zac and Gunner outlasted everyone on the slide. We even pulled out the water weenies and had water fights. Such a fun day.
After the water fun, we had to get busy to make our mystery meal. We each got 2 dollars and a quarter and got to buy whatever we wanted at the store for dinner. We ended up with a good spread of food!
There was Ramen, frozen burritos, bruschetta, tater tots, donuts, gatorade, corn on the cob, refried beans and pudding.
Cade loved Sadie and she loved him.
After the dinner, grandpa set up a mystery box for all the kids. It was really fun. The kids all enjoyed it a lot. The air conditioning in our van was blasting hot air on us the whole time so that made it a little bit less enjoyable, but we still ended up making it to the end and got to enjoy the yummy treats!
This was the girls team. Riley and the boys were on another team. They beat us by a little bit, but only because we were being blasted with hot air and couldn't think straight! :)
We had one last visit with grandma before we headed up to Heber for a couple days. We were going to come back to Glendale one more night after that, but we changed plans last minute and decided to head straight back to Utah after Heber to save us a three hour car ride.
Riley fell asleep on the way to Heber and Zac was a nice brother and let her sleep on his shoulder.