Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Trip to Huntsville
Monday, September 7, 2020
The dirt pile is gone!
It's funny. You wish for something to happen...and when it finally does, it's a little bit sad. Ever since April or so, we have had a massive dirt pile in the corner of our driveway. The kids played in it all the time. They got dirty, they got muddy and then they would track it into the house. Blech. Most of the time I loved that they played out there and used their imagination and got dirty, but then on other days when I would walk into the bathroom and find mud all over the counter and sink and floor, I couldn't wait to get it outta there!
So on Saturday, we noticed that our neighbor had a bobcat over at his house and was digging dirt out of their lawn and putting it into a trailer. Rob walked over there and talked to him for a minute...then came home and told me the good news. They were going to help us get rid of our dirt later that day!! Hooray!
I was so ready for it to be gone. But then as the day went on, I started to feel sad. Especially after I talked to a neighbor and told her the good news and she responded "what are you doing with it....where are your kids going to play?" ha ha. But it was definitely fun while it lasted. It was a good reminder that it's good for our kids to get dirty and muddy every once in a while!
A fun Sunday afternoon
There was a chalk the walk even at the library near our house this last weekend so on Sunday we took our kids to go see the pictures that the artists drew. We were all very impressed by what we saw. I took a few pictures of our favorites.

Kids staying up too late...but I'm not too mad about it
Zac and Emery share a room. Most nights they stay up way too late talking and giggling. I think it is great...I know they will have to stop sharing a room soon, but for now I love that they get new ideas and brainstorm what they are going to do the next day together.
One morning they came out very excited about what they had planned out for the day. They asked if I had any treats they could have to deliver to their friends. I told them I probably had some Starbursts somewhere. Then they brought me to their room to show me what had kept them up late the night before. They had written notes to a bunch of their friends so they could deliver them anonymously. :) I can't really get mad about them staying up late for that. A few of my friends whose kids they delivered to had Ring cameras and thanked me later for the deliveries they had made. I let them know that it was all their idea.
Sunday, September 6, 2020
Sadie's second round of braces
Sadie got braces!!! When we went in for her appointment, we didn't know if she was getting her braces that day. She hadn't gotten the spacers for the bands that go around her back teeth yet or the molds of her teeth. But when we walked into the office, we saw this sign:
It's amazing how much her teeth have already moved!
First day of school- Covid 19 style
Obviously, the first day of school was different this year than it has been any other year because of Covid. :( We decided to keep our kids home and do virtual learning for the first semester because the kids really didn't want to have to wear a mask at school all day. Then Sadie decided that she wanted to go to school since it is her first year in middle school and her best friend moved away so she needs to make some new friends. So 3 out of the 4 stay home and do virtual school, and Sadie can pick and choose when she goes in to school. It's nice. The other day she stayed home because she had a well check at the doctor and I didn't want to have to deal with going in and checking her out of school. It worked out great.
As for the other kids, we are getting into a good schedule and they are getting their work done and figuring out how to submit assignments.
Sadie talked me into doing a back to school feast. I didn't do much, but I did pick a theme for the year. It is the quote by President Nelson that says: The Lord loves effort, because effort brings rewards that can't come without. I also found a quote that said "Without hard work, nothing grows but weeds." by Gordon B. Hinckley that I really liked. Anyway, we decorated the table and had some yummy food and had a great night.