Monday, September 7, 2020

The dirt pile is gone!

It's funny.  You wish for something to happen...and when it finally does, it's a little bit sad.  Ever since April or so, we have had a massive dirt pile in the corner of our driveway.  The kids played in it all the time.  They got dirty, they got muddy and then they would track it into the house.  Blech.  Most of the time I loved that they played out there and used their imagination and got dirty, but then on other days when I would walk into the bathroom and find mud all over the counter and sink and floor, I couldn't wait to get it outta there!

So on Saturday, we noticed that our neighbor had a bobcat over at his house and was digging dirt out of their lawn and putting it into a trailer.  Rob walked over there and talked to him for a minute...then came home and told me the good news.  They were going to help us get rid of our dirt later that day!!  Hooray!

I was so ready for it to be gone.  But then as the day went on, I started to feel sad.  Especially after I talked to a neighbor and told her the good news and she responded "what are you doing with it....where are your kids going to play?"  ha ha.  But it was definitely fun while it lasted.  It was a good reminder that it's good for our kids to get dirty and muddy every once in a while!

Just look at Finley...fortunately the Elsa dress has been washed and looks brand new now!

Her hands were so messy...

As I was taking this picture, she lost her balance and put her muddy hands right on Emery's head.  They all got hosed off before coming inside and went straight to the bath.  The bath had a dirt ring around it when they were done!

Emery and Riley set up this balance beam and made up routines on it.  They would duck down and step over each other and then bow.  IT was cute.

They spent so much time on the dirt pile.  Maybe we need a sandbox...or just another project that will make another dirt pile in our driveway.  ha ha

They had so many fun afternoons here.  

Zac and his friend dug this hole.  It stayed until the very end. 

I don't know what my kids are going to do now in their spare time.  I guess I better think of another project soon!  I'm thinking of building a pergola and putting it in the backyard.  We might have to remove some dirt for that...

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