Sunday, November 15, 2020

Halloween 2020

Halloween was a bit different this year.  There weren't a lot of parties to attend, or events happening, but the kids still had requests for costumes.  I made Sadie's, Emery's and Zac's with just a few hours to spare!  Ha ha.  Sadie was dressed up as Artemis the Goddess of the Hunt. Emery was Claudia from a show called The Dragon Prince on Netflix, and Zac was an archer.  Riley was Hermione and Finley was, of course, Harry Potter.  She had been pretending to be Harry ever since we watched the first Harry Potter movie.  She didn't break character for about three weeks.  She still pretends to be Harry a lot, but it's not constant like it was before.  

The night before Halloween, the primary presidency came up with the idea to do a Halloween parade where the leaders and teachers who wanted to could drive around the neighborhood and throw candy to the kids who were standing out on their lawn.  The primary is usually in charge of the ward Halloween party but this year it was a no go because of covid.  So I went with them since I am the music leader and I wanted to see all the kids.  I stood with my head out of the sunroof and threw candy to all of them!  It was pretty fun!


We were watching a few kids for a friend that day so they made it in our picture.  

                              RIley lost her 2nd tooth on Halloween!  Pretty exciting! And isn't Finley just the cutest little Harry Potter you have ever seen?

Gryffindor friends!

We waited to carve pumpkins until Halloween.  And it was warm enough to do it outside!  Yay for no messes in the house!  Sadly, I didn't ever take a picture of all the kids with their finished pumpkins.

I also did a fun craft with them.  It has been a while since I've been a fun mom I feel like, so we made some fun Halloween salt and water color pictures.  

It kept us busy for a while.  I joined in on the fun!

 Happy Halloween!

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