Sunday, December 13, 2020

Harry Potter Party

 Sadie and her friend decided they wanted to do a Harry Potter party with their friends in the neighborhood.  We invited everyone their age and almost everyone came!  We made sure to do it safely by providing Harry Potter masks and having the kids doing things they could stay a safe distance apart.  Even so, I worried that after the party everyone would get sick with Covid and I would get angry calls from parents.  Ha ha.  Thankfully that didn't happen and the girls all had a blast.  It was so great to see the joy on the girls faces.  It had been months since they had been able to get together like this, so I think it was such a good thing.  

Eva and Sadie planned the whole thing.  They came up with the food, the activities and everything.  We (the moms) provided a budget and they got to go crazy with their ideas.  They started around 6 and then when it got dark, we turned on Harry Potter 3 for them to watch outside.  I got some nail stamps that were Harry Potter themed and did all their nails during the movie.  It was really fun.  

At the beginning, the girls all picked a sugar cone that looked like a witch hat.  Inside were m&ms in the color of the house they were sorted into.  :)  Sadie and Eva put a special mark on theirs to make sure they made it into Gryffindor.  

They all opened them at the same time.  It was really fun.

Surprise!  Sadie was in Gryffindor!  

Here they all are in their masks and robes.  

The set up crew.  They really did such a good job.  Sadie stood up an took charge when it was time and it was fun to see her in that position.  She's growing up!

Hanging the decorations.

We can't wait for next year!  The girls are hoping to make it a yearly party.  

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