Thursday, January 20, 2022

Christmas 2021 post took me almost a month to get around to posting these Christmas pictures.  This year, one of my goals is to stay up to date on the blog.  So, once I've caught up, I'm going to try to post at least weekly.   

Christmas this year was very laid back.  We just hung around at home and got together with Crys and Alan a few times.  This year we tried to watch as many Christmas movies as we could before Christmas.  We got the Home Alone movies, Noelle, The Santa Clause, Elf, and more that I can't remember.  (another problem with delaying posting about things on the blog) We opened our Elf chart gifts on Christmas Eve, and watched Noelle and went to bed excited for Christmas.  

On Christmas we woke up and opened our stockings and some presents.  Then Rob made Eggs Bennedict for breakfast and the kids picked out stickers for their new water bottles from Grandma.  After that, the kids got to open the big family gift.  I think they liked it.  :)  

Here are some pictures.  They are all out of order.  Enjoy.

My friend Laurel gave us this cute Bingo game with a bingo cage and everything.  It's so fun!  We will definitely be using this for parties in the future!

I got a new Dutch oven.  The first thing I made in it was Chili. 

We got these new hair curlers.  They are so easy to use!  I love it.  

We went to Crys and Alan's house on Christmas for lunch.  They got yummy barbeque food. Then we watched Encanto.  

Of course we did Christmas nails.  

Took a picture of Junie and Finley in front of my favorite wall in their house!

Crys, Sadie and I spent a good chunk of time putting this marble maze together.  So satisfying.  

They played lots of video games.  Uncle Alan has the best handheld games to play.

I didn't take lots of pictures, but Crys had everything decorated so cute.  

This was our big family gift.  

We're taking the family to Disneyland in February.  :)

First they all opened Mickey Mouse jammies.  Then we had them open a couple of Disney board games.  Finally, we sent them on a treasure hunt to find some Disney gift cards they can use at the park.  

Rob did a great job on the Eggs Bennedict.

Picking out the stickers they want for their water bottles. 

Riley had Finley for the kid's gift exchange.

Finley had Emery. She got her one of those plasma ball things.  

Emery had Riley.  She got her accessories for the doll house.  

Zac and Sadie had each other.

Christmas Eve.

They were a bit excited.

Putting snacks out for Santa and the reindeer.  

Zac and his friend got Takis and chocolate from their friend Ashton.

Elf Chart!

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