So most of my friends are graduating this weekend...I should be, but I was a slacker and didn't start my online classes as early as I wanted to. I keep putting them off and putting them off until last week I realized that I only have like 3 months to finish them. So I'm trying to work on them every day...which is kind of difficult when Sadie doesn't want to take a nap. he he. It will be good though. I am so excited to be done with school and seeing all of my friends finishing this week is kind of helping me to get excited about these classes of mine.
In other news...we bought a lawn mower this last weekend because our lawn really needed to be mowed. Rob was really excited about getting to work so he set up the mower and mowed the lawn on Saturday morning. When he was done, he was completely COVERED in dirt. It was really funny. Our lawn looks great now though and tonight we are going to plant our garden. I am so excited...we are trying lots of different things this year because we have never had a garden before. We are planting sunflowers, tomatoes, radishes, carrots, squash, corn and some herbs. :) Yay for gardens. I also got my haircut this weekend. It is pretty short, and I am still getting used to it, but I like it. I will probably just grow it out again, but its fun for a change.
Last night Sadie did such a good job sleeping. She slept from 9pm to 4am. Then went right back to sleep after I fed her until 7. It was great! Ahhh...sleep is so good.
Yesterday at church we got to teach our Primary class. There were four kids and they were so awesome! They were so well behaved compared to the rest of the primary and they are really smart. They must have great parents that teach them lots and lots. But we are really excited about this primary calling except that it means that we won't be able to meet people in relief society or priesthood. Oh well.
Here is Rob mowing the manly

Sadie being cute and sticking out her tongue. She tries to copy us when we stick our tongues out.

I caught her playing with her toy was hilarious because she would hold it really close to her face and try to look at it and her eyes would be crossed. I don't know if you can tell in the picture, but it was so cute.

Sadie in her cute Sunday dress.

Tummy time...she is so close to rolling over. She hates tummy time.

This is the throne that Sadie sits on while Rob and I work out. She just sits there and watches us and occasionally starts falling over, but we are right there to catch her!

Before my haircut...

After my haircut...