Thursday, April 10, 2008

Lots of firsts...

So this week has been kinda hard on Rob and I...mainly because last night we started the "let cry" method to help sadie sleep for longer periods of time consecutively. It was so hard for me to listen to her cry and cry and cry because I knew that if i just got up and fed her she would be happy. But I guess she has to learn sometime. She went to sleep at around 11:30 after she ate, and woke up like normal three hours later at 2:30. She cried for two hours! All of our friends were like "oh don't worry, the first night they only cry for like 45 minutes..." so i was kinda freaking out. But she finally went to sleep, but kept waking up after like 20 minutes. I finally went and fed her at 6:30 am. Man that was really hard. I hope that tonight she does better because I don't know how much more I can handle.

Last weekend, our friends took us out to eat at this amazing chinese buffet. It was soooo good. We brought Sadie with us and just held her while we ate. She was very excited to be looking around at all the people and lights. After that, Rob and I went to a BYU softball game. It was a lot of fun and Sadie just slept right through it even with all of the loud music and cheering. It was funny. Well, we saw Cosmo walking right behind us and just had to get a picture of her with him. It was funny because he stopped and kind of looked at her and played with her a little bit so it made it easy for us to ask him to take a picture with her. He agreed. It was a fun night.

Rob and I have been working in the garden...or soon to be garden i should say. It is a blast and we are so excited to be able to have an actual garden this year. Ahh the beauty of owning your place. he he. we are going to plant all kinds of stuff...yay!

Yesterday, for dinner, we had grilled cheese sandwiches. On the side we each had a half of a pickle...and let me tell you they were SOUR! I usually love pickles, but even I couldn't handle a whole one by myself. So while I was in the kitchen after I had eaten, Rob was playing with Sadie when all of a sudden she starts SCREAMING! It took like 5 minutes to quiet her down. When I asked Rob what had happened, he said that he wanted to give Sadie a new experience, so he gently blew his pickle breath in her face. Not a ton or anything, just to see how she would react. I guess the first time she gave him a funny look, so he tried it again and that was when she lost it. It was HILARIOUS! We sat there and laughed for a good ten minutes. The joys of parenthood.

Here is Rob and Sadie just chillin on the floor.

We thought we were done with the cold weather, but I guess not. We had to put Sadie in her adorable bear suit again...

Lots of smiling these days.

Sadie and Cosmo!


Lindsay said...


Anonymous said...

This is the cutest post! Sadie is so adorable when she smiles! (She is adorable all of the time though.) She is definitely a BYU baby if she is pictured with Cosmo! :)

Kevin_Amold said...

The bear suit is genius.

Bethany said...

Keep us posted as to whether the "let her cry" method ends up working. What things are you planning on planting in your garden?

lindsy said...

Aw, that's hard listening to them cry. A friend of mine recommended a book called "The Happiest Baby on the Block". It's really a good book! I wish I had read it before Wyatt was born. Check it out at the library!!

Jenny Bay said...

That is way hard listening to them cry! Good luck! Have you read the book "Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child"? I've been trying some things from that book and it seems to work really well, and I like it because it's not a full-out "let-cry" method, but focuses on putting them down at the right time, which is supposed to eliminate crying. It's a great book, you should check it out. I'll be excited to hear how the let-cry method goes for you, I've been trying different things with my baby and am really interested to see what methods other parents are using. Good luck! You have such a cute baby!

Alicia said...

Obviously this is a little belated, but congrats on the birth of Sadie! She's adorable. I'm a friend of Rob's from the old Centennial ward. My little boy just turned one last week. Babies are the BEST.

Alicia (Packer)

Kevin_Amold said...

Sadie in a bear suit > Nicolas Cage in a Bear Suit