Saturday, September 20, 2008

College Graduate...almost

I have always known that I would graduate college. It has been a goal of mine since...well...for ever. I am so close that I am not too motivated lately. The plan was to finish school in 4 and a half years(I switched majors as a sophomore). Then I got married and the new plan was to finish in only 4 years because I could take spring and summer classes to speed up the process. Well, then I got pregnant and I went to school through December and had only 6.5 more credits to go. So I am taking them online and the goal was to get them done before Sadie arrived meaning I would need to finish them all in 2 months or so. I signed up for 3 classes and I am still not graduated.

The good news...drum roll please...I FINISHED ONE CLASS!!! yay! I will finish another one next week and then I will only have to write my english paper and take the final in that class. It will be so nice when I am completely done so I can focus on other projects without feeling guilty about not working on my class. Anyway...I'm just really ggald that I finished my first online class...and the best part...I GOT AN A! Wahooooo! That is all.


Tim Harper said...

Hey Lindsy, great work on that A! Way to persevere and press onward towards your goals.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Linds! You make me smile! :)

Liz said...

I know you don't know me Lindsy but Robert does, and I wanted to say Way to Go! It's so hard when life plans change due to marriage and kids. Great job for getting back in there and finishing something that's important to you. I can relate with the guilt thing. I think we as women have it in-beded in us to feel guilty about anything we do for ourselves. haha.

Chad and Bekah said...

Yay for being almost done with college!

Lindsay said...

Congratulations! You are amazing! :)

Amanda said...

Yay for being almost done!! I still have a few classes to finish, so maybe I should get going on them!

Sadie looks so cute!

Bethany said...

I feel your pain. Been there done that. It is the best feeling when it's all finally done. I'm excited that you're so close!