Thursday, March 25, 2010
Parks and Bikes
Lately the weather has been so nice! I love it! And so does Sadie! So we have been going to the park, riding her new bike outside and just hanging out in the backyard. One thing about going to the park now that she is potty trained is that there is no bathroom and it seems like every time we go, about 5 minutes after we get there she has to go to the bathroom. No matter how hard I try to get her to go before we leave, she just refuses. So we walk to the park, then walk home, use the potty and walk back. It is kinda ridiculous. But it makes our days less monotonous. And I just love to watch her play at the park!
I was sitting on a bench trying to look at the mail or something and I hear her yelling "BUG! BUG!" So I go over to see what she is doing and this is what I find. I went over and it was a tiny gnat just sitting on the slide. I blew it away. Haha.
This is how we do the bike. She can't quite reach the pedals yet, but she is learning how to steer while daddy pulls her up and down the sidewalk. It is quite amusing to watch.
Just because Sadie is Cute
Sadie has been so cute lately! I just love her to pieces. Today I was on the phone with a lady in my ward and Sadie had arranged all of her toys on the tub like this:
Then she started to count them. It was soooo cute. I hear her say "1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 13, 13, 13, 13..." It was so funny. I tried to get a good video of it, but I was on the phone so it was kinda hard. See video at end of this post.

I just thought this was cute. She did this all on her own. Got the baby and stuck the bottle in her mouth. Hopefully she is this good with her baby brother. And don't mind those sharp scissors sitting on the very messy floor right next to her legs. I was using those and just set them down so I could snap a picture before it was too late. :)
I just love to see what happens when Rob dresses Sadie. :) (Love you hon!) This was on Sunday after Sadie's nap. I thought her dress looked a little funny, then I realized why...
As you can tell in this picture, it is on backwards! As you can tell in the previous picture...she was pretty stressed out about it. Just kidding...she was just still waking up. :)
I think we need to work on the numbers 5, 6, and 10. Haha.
This second video is actually when I caught her counting the first time...I missed the beginning and I was on the phone while I was recording it...but it is just so cute! She just loves the number 13!
I just thought this was cute. She did this all on her own. Got the baby and stuck the bottle in her mouth. Hopefully she is this good with her baby brother. And don't mind those sharp scissors sitting on the very messy floor right next to her legs. I was using those and just set them down so I could snap a picture before it was too late. :)
I think we need to work on the numbers 5, 6, and 10. Haha.
This second video is actually when I caught her counting the first time...I missed the beginning and I was on the phone while I was recording it...but it is just so cute! She just loves the number 13!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Easter Egg Bash
While my parents were in town we of course had to do the annual Easter Egg Bash! Unfortunately, Scott wasn't able to be here, but we figured better do it while most of us are together. We even got my sister-in-law's family in on it too. Everyone was here for Calvin's baby blessing (which was great by the way). So on Saturday afternoon, we all gathered together and bashed some Easter eggs.
Basically what happens is two people go head to head with boiled eggs and roll them toward each other. When they hit, usually only one egg cracks and that person is out. It is pretty fun. So here are some pictures!
More egg coloring. We colored them all and then whoever wanted to personalize theirs, they drew pictures or wrote words with little sharpies.

Sadie was just making the rounds telling everyone good luck before the big bash started! Good luck Evan and Shanna!
Here goes Rob...he has great form in this picture as you can see, but it just wasn't enough this year. He was the winner last year, but he had to give up the trophy to someone else this year...
My brother Evan took the prize! He beat everyone he rolled against. Good job Evan...but I'm already practicing for next year! You better watch out!
Basically what happens is two people go head to head with boiled eggs and roll them toward each other. When they hit, usually only one egg cracks and that person is out. It is pretty fun. So here are some pictures!
Sadie actually had a spot in the bracket, but she used already cracked eggs just so she could have a chance rolling them. She did a pretty good job! I think she actually beat the first person she rolled against even though her egg was already cracked a little bit.
Sadie was just making the rounds telling everyone good luck before the big bash started! Good luck Evan and Shanna!
And here is a video of Sadie trying to roll her is pretty funny just because you can hear the egg crack when it hits the ground the first time. But this kinda gives you an idea of how the egg bash goes.
I found the cord that goes to my camera while going through boxes in the garage. This means that I can use the more accessible computer to download the pictures and update my blog. Woo Hoo! Hopefully that means that there will be more frequent blog posts. I'm not making any promises though...
I have a lot to catch up on, but I am just going to start with when my family came up for a visit. They were coming up to see their newest grandson Calvin, who is the cutest little baby! Also, my brother Isaac came home from his mission in February so it was good to see him too. In the weeks leading up to the day they were coming, I was bragging about how nice the weather was and how Sadie and I were always going outside to play because it was almost spring weather. Well, the day they drove snowed about 5 inches! HAH! Figures, but it was still fun to be able to take Sadie sledding at the park. While they were staying with us, we put them to work! He he he. We used their truck to take our tennant's old dishwasher to the dump and a few other things that have been laying around to the dump. We went to DI and found the perfect new entertainment center, and we got a new dresser for Sadie and baby brother's room. Oh yeah, and we were going to fix the fence, but because of the snow, we didn't get around to it, but we did pick up the materials to fix it while they had their truck here. :) All that in 2 days. It felt really great to get all the stuff done. It worked out perfectly! I feel kinda bad that the whole time they were here they were running errands with/for me, but man do I love our new dresser and entertainment center! So thanks mom and dad! We love it when you are here(even if you didn't have a truck!) And now for the pictures!

Sadie got to meet Uncle Isaac. It took a little while for her to warm up to him, but she eventually did and now asks about him all the time. She sure did miss her Uncle Scott though.

Grandpa getting his workout for the day pulling Sadie on the sled. Grandma took a turn too, but for some reason I didn't get a picture of that. I just watched from the side...

This was the morning after they arrived. My dad measured 5 inches on our mailbox! Of course, it was all pretty much melted by the time they left a few days later.

Grandpa, Sadie and Calvin. She just loves Calvin! I hope it's the same when her baby brother comes. Only 6 more weeks!
It was so fun to have my parents here. We can't wait for them to come again!
I have a lot to catch up on, but I am just going to start with when my family came up for a visit. They were coming up to see their newest grandson Calvin, who is the cutest little baby! Also, my brother Isaac came home from his mission in February so it was good to see him too. In the weeks leading up to the day they were coming, I was bragging about how nice the weather was and how Sadie and I were always going outside to play because it was almost spring weather. Well, the day they drove snowed about 5 inches! HAH! Figures, but it was still fun to be able to take Sadie sledding at the park. While they were staying with us, we put them to work! He he he. We used their truck to take our tennant's old dishwasher to the dump and a few other things that have been laying around to the dump. We went to DI and found the perfect new entertainment center, and we got a new dresser for Sadie and baby brother's room. Oh yeah, and we were going to fix the fence, but because of the snow, we didn't get around to it, but we did pick up the materials to fix it while they had their truck here. :) All that in 2 days. It felt really great to get all the stuff done. It worked out perfectly! I feel kinda bad that the whole time they were here they were running errands with/for me, but man do I love our new dresser and entertainment center! So thanks mom and dad! We love it when you are here(even if you didn't have a truck!) And now for the pictures!
Sadie got to meet Uncle Isaac. It took a little while for her to warm up to him, but she eventually did and now asks about him all the time. She sure did miss her Uncle Scott though.
Grandpa getting his workout for the day pulling Sadie on the sled. Grandma took a turn too, but for some reason I didn't get a picture of that. I just watched from the side...
This was the morning after they arrived. My dad measured 5 inches on our mailbox! Of course, it was all pretty much melted by the time they left a few days later.
Grandpa, Sadie and Calvin. She just loves Calvin! I hope it's the same when her baby brother comes. Only 6 more weeks!
It was so fun to have my parents here. We can't wait for them to come again!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
I wonder....
My little big girl
I can't help but notice how big Sadie is getting these days. She is learning so many words and new things that she never ceases to amaze me. Anyway, on Sunday I got her dressed for church and I had one of those moments where she just looked like such a big girl to me. So I snapped some pictures.
Such a cutie. She will now "pose" for pictures for me as long as I show them to her afterwords. The problem with that is that when I say we are all done she just runs over and poses some more so she can look at them. So funny!
I also wanted to take a picture to show off the cute denim skirt I made for her. I like the way it turned out even though my machine was giving me so many problems the entire time!
Why I love Reams
In Springville, there are basically 3 main grocery stores to shop at. Reams, Allens and Walmart. My favorite has always been Reams. Let me tell you why. The produce at Reams is always on a good sale. I am never disappointed. Also, their service is awesome. The people there are so nice and they even wipe off the car shopping carts for us when we want to use one. It is nice. But my favorite thing that they do is about every other Saturday or so they have a early morning sale where there are a few things on a great sale, but while you are there shopping they make announcements like "right now if you come to the strawberries, you can get them for .99 a pound." Or "for the next 10 minutes, we will be ringing up the Cheerios at .99 cents a box." You get my point.
So last Saturday, we made a family trip out of it. We all headed down to Reams at 6:30 because we were all awake anyway, and got some good deals. It was fun. Then we treated ourselves to some donuts to eat when we got home. I LOVE REAMS!

So the funny thing about the strawberries is that I have been CRAVING them for weeks. Every time we would drive past or near Sam's Club, I would mention to Rob that I wanted to get some, but they were super expensive. So at Reams, I saw they were on sale 2 lbs for 5 dollars. I told Rob I really wanted them and someone who worked there gave us a heads up that the manager was going to mark them down soon so we should wait. So we started walking away and not 30 seconds later they made the announcement that they were going for .99 cents a pound. I told Rob to run and get some which he did while I went to get some fruit snacks. On my way to the fruit snacks, I saw three ladies sprinting with their carts toward the strawberries. It was pretty funny. Rob was awesome and got us 4 delicious pounds of strawberries!
So last Saturday, we made a family trip out of it. We all headed down to Reams at 6:30 because we were all awake anyway, and got some good deals. It was fun. Then we treated ourselves to some donuts to eat when we got home. I LOVE REAMS!
This is everything we got while we were at Reams. Check out all those fruit snacks...I'm hoping I won't have to buy another package of those for about 6 months! But I got them for about .25 cents a box.
So the funny thing about the strawberries is that I have been CRAVING them for weeks. Every time we would drive past or near Sam's Club, I would mention to Rob that I wanted to get some, but they were super expensive. So at Reams, I saw they were on sale 2 lbs for 5 dollars. I told Rob I really wanted them and someone who worked there gave us a heads up that the manager was going to mark them down soon so we should wait. So we started walking away and not 30 seconds later they made the announcement that they were going for .99 cents a pound. I told Rob to run and get some which he did while I went to get some fruit snacks. On my way to the fruit snacks, I saw three ladies sprinting with their carts toward the strawberries. It was pretty funny. Rob was awesome and got us 4 delicious pounds of strawberries!
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