Monday, June 28, 2010
Just can't get enough of this face!
My kids are just so cute! I love it. What I don't love is that I can't seem to get a decent picture of BOTH of them at the same time. Oh well.

If you are looking for something fun to do with your kids this summer try this out! We took a water bottle and cut the bottom off of it. Then you put a washcloth or rag over the bottom and secure it with a rubber band. Then you get some liquid dish soap and put it in a container, get the washcloth wet with water and dip the washcloth into the dish soap. Then take the lid off of the water bottle and blow! It is really cool! Here are some pictures of our first attempt. Sadie loved it...we will definitely be doing it again!

I loved this because no matter how old you can make the bubbles come out! It's not as hard as those little stick things that come in the bubble containers. Just make sure they only blow out...Sadie sucked in a couple times and got some bubbles in her mouth.

See that white blob in the middle of the picture? That is a blob of bubbles that detached itself from the end of the water bottle and flew away down the street. Sadie started crying until I told her to just make some more. :)
This was a really fun activity. I saw it in Family Fun magazine a few months ago. Perfect for kids!
I loved this because no matter how old you can make the bubbles come out! It's not as hard as those little stick things that come in the bubble containers. Just make sure they only blow out...Sadie sucked in a couple times and got some bubbles in her mouth.
They make really looooooooong bubbles.
See that white blob in the middle of the picture? That is a blob of bubbles that detached itself from the end of the water bottle and flew away down the street. Sadie started crying until I told her to just make some more. :)
This was a really fun activity. I saw it in Family Fun magazine a few months ago. Perfect for kids!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Happy Father's Day/Birthday
SO Rob's birthday is today...last year it was ON Father's day. Kinda a rip off for him, but what can you do? His twin has to deal with the same thing. :) Anyway...I just wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROB!
He is the best dad and husband in the world. This morning Zac was not going back to sleep so he took him to the couch and held him so I could get some sleep. He is actually still onthe couch holding him right now. What a good man! Love you Rob!

This is the little grill that we got so that we didn't always have to heat up our house to cook dinner. He loves it!
He is the best dad and husband in the world. This morning Zac was not going back to sleep so he took him to the couch and held him so I could get some sleep. He is actually still onthe couch holding him right now. What a good man! Love you Rob!
This is the little grill that we got so that we didn't always have to heat up our house to cook dinner. He loves it!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Adventures at bedtime
Any of you who talk to me frequently know that Sadie is a character when it comes to bedtime. She will do pretty much anything to get out of her room when she is supposed to be in bed. I don't really feel like writing the entire thing here, but my mom wrote about how we finally figured out how to keep her in bed on her blog here. (see #4 in that post) Anyway, so we finally got her to stay in her bed by threatening to take something out of it every time she got out.
Now she stays in her room after we put her down, but we found out that she is not staying in her bed. When I would go in to her room in the evening to check on her, I would often find HUGE piles of books from her book box in her bed. She literally only has a small little corner that she fits in when she does that. It is pretty funny. But one night, she came to the door about an hour and a half after we put her down and said something like "uh-oh". So I went in there to find this:

Yep...that is right. She took every single piece of clothing, including socks and hats from the dresser in her room. That means her clothes, her brother's clothes and some other odds and ends that were in there. All of the drawers were COMPLETELY empty. Oh boy. Do you see how high that stuff is piled on her bed??? Sheesh. So I made her help me put them all back in the drawers and it took me about 45 minutes the next day to re-fold everything and put it back where it belonged. Wow. What a strange thing to do. I think she did that because I noticed that anything that was left on the floor or on top of the dresser when she went to bed ended up in her bed when I would go to check on her. So I started taking everything out with me when I put her to bed. So I guess this was the only thing left to do...
Now she stays in her room after we put her down, but we found out that she is not staying in her bed. When I would go in to her room in the evening to check on her, I would often find HUGE piles of books from her book box in her bed. She literally only has a small little corner that she fits in when she does that. It is pretty funny. But one night, she came to the door about an hour and a half after we put her down and said something like "uh-oh". So I went in there to find this:
If you can't tell what that is in her is a closer look:
Yep...that is right. She took every single piece of clothing, including socks and hats from the dresser in her room. That means her clothes, her brother's clothes and some other odds and ends that were in there. All of the drawers were COMPLETELY empty. Oh boy. Do you see how high that stuff is piled on her bed??? Sheesh. So I made her help me put them all back in the drawers and it took me about 45 minutes the next day to re-fold everything and put it back where it belonged. Wow. What a strange thing to do. I think she did that because I noticed that anything that was left on the floor or on top of the dresser when she went to bed ended up in her bed when I would go to check on her. So I started taking everything out with me when I put her to bed. So I guess this was the only thing left to do...
...Since then, we haven't had any problems with her emptying out her drawers. She mostly just got into her books because that was the only thing to get into since I wouldn't leave anything in there for her to get. Or so I thought. The other night while Rob was at scout camp, I went in to check on Sadie. I noticed something weird on her arms and realized that she had put on a little hoodie jacket thing that belongs to Zac. I looked around on her bed and realized that she emptied out the dirty clothes bucket and put the contents on her bed. now I take that out at night too. What a busy little girl. I keep telling Rob "I wonder what she will do when it gets dark outside earlier? Will she still try to get into things or will she just go to sleep..."
I am a little nervous for Zac's safety when we try to move him in there....
I am a little nervous for Zac's safety when we try to move him in there....
Monday, June 14, 2010
One more Video
This is from about a month ago, so Zac looks a little different now. But I thought Rob would like to find this little video while he is at work. Love you Rob!
We went bowling with Evan and Shanna while my mom was still in town. I found this video of Sadie dancing. It was so funny. I am so glad that they played upbeat music that night because it kept Sadie occupied the whole time. She mostly copied whatever Uncle Evan was doing...but this time she was copying Daddy. Enjoy.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Art City Days
This last week was Art City days here in Springville. There are lots of activities throughout the week including a talent show, rodeo, library book sale, hot air balloons, parade, fireworks and a carnival. We only made it to the parade and the carnival this year but Sadie sure loved it! She loved watching the floats go by on the street and catching the candy they threw out. This year we sat in a new spot which ended up being the very end of the by the time everyone got to us, they didn't have any candy left. I didn't really mind, because I didn't want Sadie to get tons of candy, but next year I think we will go to a different place to sit...near the beginning of the parade.
We also went to the carnival. It had been raining all day so we didn't think we were going to be able to go, but the weather cleared up for a few hours so we decided to head over there. Sadie just loved watching all of the rides but her favorite thing was the merry-go-round. So we let her ride it once. She was so happy.
Then while I was trying to sleep, I heard the fireworks. It seemed like they went on forever, and Rob watched them out our back window while I covered my ears with my pillow. :)
It was a fun week. Here are some pictures.

We also went to the carnival. It had been raining all day so we didn't think we were going to be able to go, but the weather cleared up for a few hours so we decided to head over there. Sadie just loved watching all of the rides but her favorite thing was the merry-go-round. So we let her ride it once. She was so happy.
Then while I was trying to sleep, I heard the fireworks. It seemed like they went on forever, and Rob watched them out our back window while I covered my ears with my pillow. :)
It was a fun week. Here are some pictures.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
I love sunshine. We have finally been getting a lot of it here in Utah, so we have been taking advantage of it. But I captured my favorite kind of sunshine on video today and thought I would share it with all of you! Enjoy.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Zac's First Smiles
Well, I have seen him smile before in his sleep, but today he was awake and seemed happy so I got my camera out and started snapping pictures. I sure am glad that I did because he was so smiley! And I think he was doing it intentionally too because he would look right at me and smile for a while. I loved it!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Our Weekend
We had a fun three day weekend. On Saturday, our good friends invited us over for dinner. We had yummy fish that I will definitely make sometime because it was so gooood. Then Sadie got to play with their three little girls. It was so fun to see them all playing together. Sadie was mostly interested in the toys though I think...
Then on Monday, we went to Bridal Veil falls. It was a blast. Rob's sister Crystal and her boyfriend Allan came with us and Sadie just loves both of them. It was fun. There were quite a few people there because it was Memorial Day, but it was still fun. And perfect weather. After we got home and put the kids down for naps, we all went outside and watched Rob plant the garden. Sadie finally got to play in her pool that I blew up about 2 weeks ago. Although clouds were kinda blocking the sun so it was a little chilly for her. That sure didn't stop her though. She loved it. She even helped Rob plant some of the peas. Now, All we have left to plant are the scallions and artichokes i think. I'm not sure, but Rob sure has done a great job this year on the garden. I can't wait to have fresh veggies!
Now here are some pictures! They aren't in chronological order...but oh well.
This is at Bridal Veil. We needed a sitting break so we found a bench and took a picture. I love that man!

This is how Zac spent his time at Bridal Veil. He mostly slept the whole time but he was awake for this picture I guess. Thanks mom for making the awesome sling!

Sadie and Rob decided to get their feet a little bit wet. The water was freezing...can you tell by how red Sadie's feet are?

I just had to share this picture because I think Sadie is really cute in her little backpack. She loves it!
Then on Monday, we went to Bridal Veil falls. It was a blast. Rob's sister Crystal and her boyfriend Allan came with us and Sadie just loves both of them. It was fun. There were quite a few people there because it was Memorial Day, but it was still fun. And perfect weather. After we got home and put the kids down for naps, we all went outside and watched Rob plant the garden. Sadie finally got to play in her pool that I blew up about 2 weeks ago. Although clouds were kinda blocking the sun so it was a little chilly for her. That sure didn't stop her though. She loved it. She even helped Rob plant some of the peas. Now, All we have left to plant are the scallions and artichokes i think. I'm not sure, but Rob sure has done a great job this year on the garden. I can't wait to have fresh veggies!
Now here are some pictures! They aren't in chronological order...but oh well.
This is how Zac spent his time at Bridal Veil. He mostly slept the whole time but he was awake for this picture I guess. Thanks mom for making the awesome sling!
Sadie and Rob decided to get their feet a little bit wet. The water was freezing...can you tell by how red Sadie's feet are?
I just had to share this picture because I think Sadie is really cute in her little backpack. She loves it!
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