Why do I do this to myself? WHY!? I go three weeks without blogging and then I don't know where to start because there is so much stuff I want to blog about...and then I just procrastinate more. Sheesh. Well, I decided to just start with the recent and if I feel like it, I will fill in the gaps. If I don't feel like it, then oh well.
Here is a really cute picture of Sadie. I love it! She is just growing up so fast! And I love the fact that she loves to wear this really cute hat that I made her. Nice!

So this is our Halloween.
We carved some pumpkins of course. We got two pumpkins at the pumpkin patch and one from our garden. The one from our garden was planted a little bit late, so it wasn't exactly ripe...

There weren't many seeds in it. I think this pumpkin was supposed to get a LOT bigger before we picked it. Oh well. It was still fun to have a pumpkin to carve from our garden.

We got very messy, but we saved all the seeds and roasted them after we were done. They were YUMMY!

Here are the kids with their pumpkins. Didn't Zac do a good job carving his pumpkin??? haha. I helped with Zac's and Rob helped with Sadie's. Although Sadie told him exactly how she wanted him to do it. It was cute.
So my parents were in town the Monday before Halloween so Rob and I decided to go on a date to the temple. We got there at 10:22 and apparently the last session on Mondays starts at 10. Arg! So we did what anyone would do...we went to DI in our church clothes to look for Halloween stuff. Sadie wanted to be Princess Green for Halloween (Princess Green is a made up character that Rob made up. He tells Sadie a princess Green story pretty much every night before bed. She loves it.) Of course, I didn't have any green princess stuff. So we got creative. We picked up our supplies from DI:

Two green t-shirts. And turned them into this :

Ta Da! She is Princess Green! I think she looked really cute especially with her tiara and earrings. The shoes we also bought at DI and spray painted them green. Of course, the paint chipped off a little, but it worked and she loved her green shoes.

This is Zac and Sadie in their costumes. Zac is the Avatar from the Last Air Bender series. IT is a cartoon. He was apparently going for the pretzles in Sadie's mouth.

And here they are looking cute! Zac loves to play with her tiara.

All three of my favorite people!

Here is a costume she tried on at our downstairs neighbor's house. She loved wearing that wig! :) She walked around saying "look at my beautiful long curly hair" :)

Speaking of our downstairs neighbor...this was her costume which I though was hilarious! A fat genie costume! haha.

And here she is at the ward party with her best buddy Jake. They literally walked in the doors hand in hand. They only let go because I told them to turn around so I could get their picture. Then they grabbed hands again and ran down the hall. So funny!
So our Halloween was really fun. On the actual day of trick or treating, it started raining just as we got our costumes on. It wasn't just a drizzle either. IT was RAINING. So Rob grabbed the umbrella and took Sadie across the street to 3 houses and then back home. It was a fun night.