The kids were helping Rob rake the leaves in our backyard. Apparently Zac saw Rob get the two rakes out and headed over to the garage and picked out that huge shovel for himself and dragged it all the way over to where they were raking. By that time, Sadie was done helping so Rob gave him the other rake. Funny.
The other funny thing is that about 2 hours later, we had a huge wind storm that lasted pretty much all night. The leaves are now everywhere. But at least they had a good time.
love your pictures!
That brings back so many memories. If you remember the Russell house on 3rd east, think of the back yard. It was big and then the garden went even farther back. Well, as I think now, my mom and dad were pretty smart.....they would encourage us to build? play houses in the autumn. We would rake all the leaves into the shape of a house and have doors and windows and even rooms....all the rooms were clean of leaves, just outlined rooms. What an easy way to get the leaves raked up. How dumb were we, how smart were they. Amazing how we look back and see they were pretty cool after all. Sorry it's so long.....
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