Wednesday, December 28, 2011


For Christmas I got Rob all kinds of stuff to make sushi at home. Ever since his co-workers invited him out for sushi he has been obsessed with it! He loves to go out to sushi and it is not cheap! So I decided if he learned how to make it himself, we could save some money.

So he opened his gift on Sunday, and on Monday night, we ate some homemade sushi. It was really yummy. We made one with avocado and cucumber in the middle and another with spam and pineapple. They were both good.

Here's to many more nights of homemade sushi!


Shanna Selin said...

Tuna is good inside too. Mix it up with some mayo and some korean pepper paste. Or fry it up with some soy sauce, sugar, and garlic.

Shirl and Bill said...

Yummy, sounds good, never tried it.....
Emory, how cute

Shirl and Bill said...

sounds yummy, never tried. Ialways thought it was raw fish??? Shows you what I know...

Shirl and Bill said...

Sorry I misspelled Emery!!