Monday, June 29, 2015

Fun things

 We have been enjoying our days of no schedules and no commitments these last few weeks.  We can just pack up and head to a splash pad if we want to.  It is so nice!!

 This is a splash pad near Rob's work.  We like to go there in the afternoon and he will meet us when he is done working for the day.  

 Zac and Emery love the squirt gun things.  ha ha.

 The tractor is the best part...although it doesn't squirt any water.  I think it used to though...

 We have started teaching Sadie how to cook some things all on her own.  We started with fried eggs which was a big mistake because she was getting very frustrated that she couldn't flip the eggs without breaking the yoke.  I tried to console her by telling her I that I break the yoke about 50% of the time.  So we switched to scrambled eggs.  She did it all by herself.  She even made them for us for dinner once.  I can't believe she is old enough to be cooking!

 When Rob gets home from work...

 I got some plastic cups from the dollar store and showed the kids some of the cup stacking videos on youtube.  It is amazing how fast those kids can stack cups!  They spent the rest of the morning building towers and trying to do it like the kids on the video.

 Don't remember where we are going...probably the splash pad.  I love my kids.

 This was at Zac's last soccer game.  It was pretty warm and there was lots of complaining coming from these two girls.  So I set up this little "tent" and they were happier for a little while so I could watch the game in peace! 

 Then Emery had a complete meltdown right as the game was ending.  The only way I could get her to stop screaming was to try to take her picture.  She thought that was funny.  I want to remember that my kids are sometimes difficult.  But I still love them tons.

 Zac with his trophy.  What a cute kid.  He scored at least one goal in every game this season.  I am so proud of him!  

Another cup tower.  They would build it up and then take turns crawling through it to knock it over. 

1 comment:

lindsy said...

Ooh, I need to grab some dollar store cups. Great idea!