Sunday, February 21, 2016

Sleepwalking Sadie

 A few days before her birthday, we found Sadie is an awkward place.  We had put the kids to bed and we ourselves were in our bedroom reading or something when I heard a weird noise.  But I always hear weird noises so I didn't think anything of it.   I had gotten myself some ice cream earlier in the evening so around 10:20 or so ROb brought my bowl back out to the kitchen.  I was pretty close to being asleep, but I remember when Rob left the room I could hear loud breathing.  I thought that was odd, but just thought maybe it was because Emery had a stuffy nose.  Well, Rob came back from the kitchen and said "Lindsey, I know you are almost asleep but you have GOT to come see this!" So I got up and we saw this:

Sadie had sleepwalked over to our lego table and crawled into the tiny hole in the middle and fallen asleep.  So funny!  She sits there a lot in the mornings because it is right on a vent, so it makes her warm.  But she was fast asleep.  It was kinda hard getting her out of that small hole while she was asleep, but we did and Rob brought her back to bed. 

1 comment:

lindsy said...

That is crazy! Does she sleepwalk a lot?!