Saturday, November 25, 2017

Halloween 2017

This year Sadie and Emery wanted to dress up as Kitara and Toph from Avatar the Last Airbender.  That meant that I had to make their costumes.  I was hoping everyone would just want to be what they were last year, but of course, it's not fun to be the same thing two years in a row! So I whipped up some costumes very last minute so they are not very well made...but it did the trick. 

Here are all the kids outside our ward building getting ready for the trunk or treat.  

Every year, the primary is in charge of planning the ward Halloween party.  This year it was more stressful than normal because I had Finley who was about 4 weeks old at the time.  It made setting up tables and chairs very interesting.  Fortunately, Sadie and Zac were very helpful and helped us get everything set up just in time even though the person with the keys showed up at 5:25 instead of 5 like we had discussed.   Everything went well I think.  It was such a relief to have the party over and done with.

Emery and her friend Stella and Zac showing off the skills of the young women who painted their faces.  :)

Two days after the ward trunk or treat, Rob invited us to his work Halloween party.  We have never gone, but this year we decided to go.  The girls wore their costumes from last year which was fun. There was so much candy and so many people.  It was pretty fun.  And bonus...Finley didn't scream in her car seat on the way there and back.  That is pretty much the only time she has gone a whole trip without crying in her car seat.  It hasn't happened since. 

The kids with Rob...I got to carry the cute little pumpkin Finley. 

On Halloween Sadie had an orthodontist appointment.  They handed out these festive donuts.  Score!

This was on actual Halloween night before the kids headed out trick or treating.  We ended up with SO MUCH CANDY!  But the kids had such a good time.  It's so fun seeing them enjoy holidays. 

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