Sunday, October 27, 2019

Fall break 2019

 This year, the kids' school had a week long fall break.  Usually, we get like 2 days off, but this year, we got a full week.  The kids were really excited about it.  We started the break off right by having our friends the Hatch family over.  They came and played, then we went to the park for a picnic and to try out the brand new play area they had opened just a few days earlier. 

 I love it when Zac has friends that want to play chess and checkers with him.  Mostly because it's not my favorite game, but also because they actually challenge him.  He can beat me pretty easily.  ha ha.

 These girls are the best.

 These ones too!

 We all managed to squeeze onto this little table and eat lunch.  The best part was the chips and salsa that Laurel brought.  Ever since then, my kids and I have been on a chips and salsa kick.  So yummy.

Then on Tuesday, my friend Camille invited my kids and I to go to the zoo with her because she can get some people in for free.  I only had to pay for a couple of my kids to get in.  It was awesome.  It was so nice of her to invite us to go with her and her kids.

 Also, it's just the best having the big kids around to help with Finley.  I forgot to put the stroller in the car, but it really ended up not being a big deal because Sadie or Zac were always willing to chase after her or carry her.  She loves it.  And it was fun seeing the zoo all decorated with Halloween stuff!

 This giraffe spent a good amount of time just licking that wooden pole.  And Finley would not look away from that dragon for a picture.  She wasn't too sure of it.  Her friend Rosie actually screamed and ran away because it scared her. 

 The Nightmare before Christmas decor.  I still haven't seen that movie.  It seems so creepy from what I remember from the previews when I was little.  And how many kids can the lion eat?  Well, there are 7 here...but they all made it out alive...thank goodness!

 The kids liked to stop at every statue.  

 We fit all 10 of them in the nest!  There are actually 2 babies not in the picture.  But they were so cozy in their strollers.  So we didn't bother them for a picture.

 Can you spot Sadie?

 These kids are just getting too big.  I sure love them. 

 Rosie and Finley are such good friends.  We are so sad that they are moving this weekend!  

This gorilla was sleeping right next to the glass.  The kids liked seeing him up so close!

Later in the week, I ran to the grocery store and came home to the kids telling me they had a big surprise for me.  I was excited because I thought maybe they had cleaned up the living room like I had hinted at before I left the house.  This is what I walked into:

 They had built this "pirate ship".  ha ha.  Not exactly what I was expecting, but they had so much fun playing in here for the next little while.  :)

 I think it was Wednesday morning that we decided to go to Gardner Village to look at the witches.  We met up with some friends and started hunting for the witches.

 We took this family picture right at the beginning so that we could get it out of the way and to prove I was actually there.  ha ha

 Then we got all the kids in a picture.

 It's always more fun to do things with friends.  I even splurged and bought a caramel apple from the Candy store.  I never do that!

 And we always have to get a picture by this flag wall.  

Then on Thursday we stayed home in the morning so we could pack for a fun trip to Arches with my parents.  But that afternoon we hit up Rita's and got some yummy italian ice and custard.  I don't think that is what it's called, but that's what I'm calling it. It was the grande opening so it was really cheap. 

Finley really enjoyed hers...well, mine.  We definitely went home and changed her dress because not shortly after we got home, we left for Arches National Park.  

I'll do a separate post about that trip next...

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