Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Peaches and Puppies

 Back in September, we had the chance to watch my friend's mom's dog.  She's not a puppy, but she was so tiny that we called her a puppy.  Her name was Lilly.  Finley was going through a phase where she didn't love dogs.  She was pretty nervous about the dog being there.  She would say "Go Away" all the time to Lilly.  The good thing was that Lilly was so tiny that Finley knew that she couldn't jump up onto the couches. So for the first day and a half that we had her, Finley just stayed on the couch most of the time.  It was pretty cute.  The kids all LOVED having the dog in our house. 

After the first 2 days, Finley got brave and started to love Lilly.  She loved her a little too much.  Ha ha.  Lilly then learned to hang out by me for protection. 

 Finley would just stare at her.  She loved that dog by the time we had to give her back!

This video is super short but I thought it was really cute.

Rob and I were pretty worried about our peach tree this year.  It had a TON of peaches on it, and we thinned it multiple times.  But as August came, they were still pretty small.  We were worried that we didn't thin it enough.  But by the beginning of September, those peaches were big and beautiful.  Why did we ever doubt?

 The tree was just loaded.  We canned like 20 jars of them and ate a ton, and then we just gave a ton away.  So many peaches.

 We had some of the kids friends over when we picked all the peaches.  It was a little painful watching them drop peaches on the ground, but they all had fun.  This doesn't look like a lot of peaches, but it was so many.  And this wasn't even half of the tree.

This was the size of our bigger peaches.  Almost as big as Riley's head.

We love our peach tree!!

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Wow! Those peaches!! We planted a peach tree a few years back, but we've only gotten one peach from it. I haven't given up on it yet, but it's a sad looking tree.