Sunday, July 12, 2020

Last day of "school"

 This year because of Covid-19, the end of the school year seemed really anticlimactic.  The kids didn't get to say goodbye to all of their teachers or friends, we had already been at home all the time, and we couldn't really go out and do anything big because most places were still closed.  So I decided to fork out some money to rent a bounce house!!  I've totally never done this before and I wish I could have invited the whole neighborhood to come share it with us, but we couldn't do that either. Thank you Coronavirus. 

I planned it out that we picked it up early on Friday morning.  We didn't tell the kids where we were going, just that we had an errand to run.  Then when we got back we had to run over to the kid's school to pick up their stuff that they had left at school a few months earlier.  Rob's job was to set the whole thing up in the 10 minutes it took us to go to the school and pick up the kid's stuff.  Ha ha.  Since that was definitely not enough time, I wandered around on the way home.  I drove around the park a couple times, we drove past some friends houses etc.  After a while, the kids got restless and were groaning about feeling car sick and wanting to go home.  So I texted Rob that we were on our way home so he had like 3 minutes to finish up.  :)

We pulled up and the kids couldn't see into the backyard, so they went inside and then discovered the bounce house.  They were very surprised and grateful.  They ran and got swimming suits on and spent the rest of the day outside.  We invited just a few friends over in shifts so that we could share the fun.  It was a VERY fun day and the perfect way to kick off the summer!

We got the bounce house plus the double slide with water.  So much fun.

 The slide was the best part.

 And of course...popsicles!

 Emery really enjoyed hers.

 Riley and Charlotte chilling in the pool.

 So happy the Hatch family could come hang out for a bit.

In the evening, the wind really picked up and we had to take the bounce house down.  And it rained a bit.  I don't think this picture was taken that same day, but it was soon after.  I love the beauty of nature.  

We have the best view right from our yard!

This was definitely a school year to remember and its looking like this next year will be too!  

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