Read all of these things like "this is what happens when..."
1- Sadie gets sick... She woke up last Saturday morning at 2 am with a fever of 103. It made us a little nervous, so we tried to cool her down with a wet washcloth. That seemed to work so we all went to sleep in our bed. Sadie was moving a LOT! ha ha. It was cute. We took her to the doctor on Monday and found out it was Rosioloa or something like that. She seems to be all better now though. Here are some pictures of when she was sick. Not much smiling.

Although she doesn't look happy in this picture, taking her outside really lifted her spirits. She loves to play outside.

This is during the last session of conference on Sunday. She woke up from her nap at like 1:30 and fell asleep on me right away. She stayed like that for 2 more hours. I had a cramp in my neck...the sacrifices you make for your kids...:)

Sadie and daddy the morning after her hard night with a fever. So cute!
2-Sadie pulls a ton of kleenexes out of the box and daddy cleans it up. Ha ha. They were all just stuffed in there, so when I went to grab one, the whole wad came out. It made me laugh.

3-Sadie gets to play on our couch. For some reason our couch has SO much static. The other day I walked over and touched a page of a book that my brother was reading and it shocked me so bad that he felt it too. You can't tell that much, but her hair was sticking straight up from the static.

I like to take the cushions off so she can crawl up there herself and bounce around. She just loves it.
4-We let Sadie feed herself...We haven't fed her baby food in forever and we felt like she was lacking in the vegetable area. So we bought a jar of garden vegetables and let her go at it. one minute she was doing great, then I turned around for like 2 seconds and when I looked back, she had her hand in the jar upside down and all of the veggies fell onto her tray. Fun clean up.

She always tries to share her food. Who can resist this face?

Big mess.
5-We start a batch of bread before we go to church in our bread machine without putting the little stirrer thingy in the bottom. It was so sad because we were so looking forward to fresh bread. Oh well...