Sunday, February 12, 2012

Why I haven't been blogging

We have had a couple of sick kids this last week. Sadie just had the normal is pretty sad that I just think it is normal now for her to have a nasty cough. Zac got a fever last Sunday and it was 103 and 104 for three days! He had a little ear infection so the doctor gave him a prescription and he is doing better now, but for those three days, he was a pretty sad little man.

And Sadie was a little stinker too...probably because between nursing Emery and caring for Zac, she was a little left out .

I just thought this picture was funny...he wouldn't eat anything except sweets. And when he did a lot of the time he was crying. But he would not let that yummy chocolate or whatever he was eating out of his mouth. :)

This was last Sunday morning...I found them like this on the couch. Let's take a closer look...

Poor little Zac...the only thing that would keep him from crying was his pacifier, so we let him have it while he was sick.

Daddy and Emery catching up on some sleep. ha ha. SO cute!

Anyway, both kids are healthy just in time for Sadie's birthday tomorrow! So hopefully we will have a few days of healthy and happy kids. And Hopefully, I will have the energy to blog in the evenings again!


Shirl and Bill said...

Sick kids are so sad. Can't do much to please them. LOve the pictures though. Emery looks a bit scared. But isn't that cute.?

Rob said...

I have no recollection of these pictures. What I can say is that Emery is a very warm little sleeping buddy.

Kevin_Amold said...

Looks like there's a clothing shortage over at your place.....