Thursday, August 1, 2013

Pioneer day

 We had some company this last week.  It is always fun when we have company!  We love it!  Rob's parents and Andrew were here for a few days.  They weren't actually here on the 24th, but we took them to see all of the floats for the Pioneer day parade up close the day before.  I loved it.  It is way better than sitting in the hot sun and not even getting a close look at them.  Here we got to look at them up close, and some of them even had little activities for the kids to do and it was air conditioned.  Oh yeah...and free.  Score.  We will be doing this every year!

 Zac and Sadie perpetuating brighter futures.

 This is Zac and Emery right before the stool that Zac was standing on fell over.  There were a few tears and a little scratch on his neck, but he was ok. 

 An intense game of four square.

 Four square is always fun!

On the actual 24th of July, we went over to the park because they were having a little thing at the park.  We didn't really know what it was, but when we got there we found this:

 They loved this bouncy house.

 Then they had activities that the pioneers may have done to have fun.  We participated in a potato sack race.  The kids didn't want to do it so Rob and I did it while they fan alongside.

 With some cheating...I think I won!

 This picture makes me laugh.  Everyone is having fun and Emery looks like she is pouting because she had to stay in the stroller the whole time.  ha ha.

 This activity cost 5 dollars so we didn't do can get in those huge balls and walk around on the water.  The kids had a blast just watching everyone. 

 Then we splurged and payed a dollar each for the kids to go in the little petting zoo.  Emery was in heaven.

 Sadie holding a baby chick.

 The little pony was a favorite.

 Then on our way to the playground we ran into these guys and got some free coupons.  :)

 (these pictures are out of order!) More of the parade float preview.  They had the West Jordan High School marching band actually marching around the entire place playing songs. It was awesome.  I loved it!

 Quick picture in front of the float.

 This was our favorite float.  Noah's ark.  It tilted back and forth.  Gotta love Andrew's face in this one.  

And Zachary the Alien wearing a tu tu.  ha ha

I am so grateful for the pioneers who walked so many miles to Utah.  They truly are amazing.  I don't know if I could have done it.  I love reading stories to try to really understand what they had to go through...but I don't think I ever really will.  I admire them so much.


Carrie Selin said...

So much fun!

Shirl and Bill said...

The more I read about those staunch pioneers, the more reverent I become as to their faith, fortitude and endurance.

Shirl and Bill said...

All those things look so fun for the kids. And moms and dads too.