Sunday, October 5, 2014

One Saturday morning...

 One Saturday morning, I was busy watching Riley be cute during tummy time:

 Then I realized that it had been a while since I had seen the kids.  So I went looking for them and this is what I found:

 Emery entertaining herself with this drawing kit.  And she didn't even draw on the floor!!  ha ha  She was just using the crayons as "guys" and playing with them.

 Zac and Sadie in their rooms playing Smurfs together.  I love this.  They are such good friends.  Sometimes my kids have rough days, but this day I was so grateful they were just playing and having a great time together.  

A few days later I bought some gel pens at the store:

Best 12 dollars I have ever spent!!  ha ha.  Emery sat at the table for OVER and hour straight and the others spent a good long time there too just drawing and coloring together.  I should pull those out again....  :) Oh and I love Emery in this picture.  Tongue out trying to get the lid on the pen.  ha ha

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