Friday, March 29, 2019

Sadie is 11

 I really cannot believe that our Sadie has been with us for ELEVEN years!  Crazy!  She is such a great kid.  I don't know why we have been so blessed to have her (and all our other kids) sent to our family.  She teaches me every day by her sweet example.  She loves helping her younger brother and sisters, playing with friends and having fun.  She is very observant and when she can tell that I'm frustrated about something, she asks what she can do to help me.  We love her so much.

She had some friends over for a movie party.  I introduced them to Nancy Drew.  I think they all liked it!

 These girls (and Zac) are amazing.  I'm so glad that Sadie has such good friends.

 Birthday morning streamers and presents.

 I made her this dress and she chose to wear it to the daddy daughter dance that night.  :)

 Girls and daddy watching Sadie open presents from the couch.

 We surprised Sadie by showing up at the school for lunch.  We got to eat with Emery, Zac and then Finally Sadie came in.  It was a fun day.  

 I made her wear the birthday banner and crown.  :)

 Zac also got to wear a fun hat at lunch, but that's because he was a table washer.  I forgot to snap a picture with Emery.  I love seeing my kids at school and interacting with their friends. 

 Riley was happy we ran into our friend Lucy and got to sit with her for a bit.  

 Then that night after Kung Fu, it was off to the Daddy Daughter dance at the church.  These two had such a fun time with their dad.  I'm pretty sure Rob was the best dancer there...besides Sadie and Emery of course!  

Happy birthday Sadie!

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