Saturday, April 6, 2019

Finley and markers...and other things

 Here are some pictures from around the house.  Finley gets into everything, but she's so cute that I can't even get upset about it.  ha ha.  And she now smiles for pictures.

 Sadie got to do a science project.  She and a partner did a project on how to turn a paperclip into a magnet.  Sadie learned how to work with a partner who didn't help much and she even came up with a fun little activity.  She had a step by step drawing tutorial on how to draw a paperclip and had people draw one when they came by.  Then she taped them to her poster.  I loved the idea.  And she rocks those purple glasses.

 This was Zac's valentine's box.  We haven't ever made them before, but this year I let the kids make them.  Sadie and Emery made Unicorn boxes and Zac made this one.  I emailed his teacher to make sure it was ok the he brought a box to school with "TNT" on it.  ha ha. 

 I love that I get to hang out with these girls all day.  It will be so weird next year when Riley starts school and it will just be me and Finley for a few hours each day.  

 Took Finley to the Dr.  She does NOT like it there anymore.  I think it's because she can remember better now.  She remembers the shots she gets there.  Her doctor told me it's about 18 months when they start hating him and by the time they are 2 they are usually back to liking him.  Ha ha..

 Ever since Finley started walking, during family home evening she will stand next to whoever is conducting the music or announcing things.  It's the cutest thing ever and I don't want her to ever stop doing it.  

 Finley is so sneaky and such a climber.  We have to scoot the bench away from the table when we aren't eating or else this happens.  

 And it seems like every time a marker gets left laying around or the box of markers gets left opened, she will find it!

 And promptly color on herself or try to eat it.  It's one of those things that I just shrug my shoulders and say "oh well".  ha ha.

When I catch her doing something she's not supposed to...obviously I get the camera.    This first video is so funny because it showed me exactly how she had been coloring on herself because the only places there was marker is where she colored.

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