Sunday, January 5, 2020

Christmas things

 We did lots of fun Christmasy things this year.  It's getting easier to do outings as a family as the kids get older.  So we did some fun things like going to look at Christmas lights, going to see the elves at Gardner Village and making gingerbread houses.  And let me tell you, it's really fun having older(ish) kids who can help with the younger kids, and they can go off on their own a little bit.  It hurts my heart that they have to grow up, but it's also fun seeing them go off on their own and figure out the world. 

We got 2 gingerbread house kits and paired the kids together.  Sadie got to work with Riley.  Riley mostly just ate the candy and Sadie did most of the decorating.  :)

 Zac and Emery got to work together.  They make a great team when they are both working toward the same goal.  

For dinner one night I made pancakes that we cut in the shape of Christmas trees.  We used a sausage for the trunk of the tree and m&ms and whipped cream to decorate.  These pictures are real life.  I can't remember what happened but Emery was upset about something and so I finally excused her from the picture.  ha ha.  It's what happens. 

 Attempt #1

Attempt #2

 Finley couldn't wait, so her cheeks are full of food.  Ha ha  Probably m&ms.  

 This place is called Christmas Street.  It's a cauldesac where everyone puts a ton of Christmas lights up and a part of the "Night Before Christmas".  It's really fun.  And bonus, this year my mom had gotten these cool 3D glasses where it turns the Christmas lights into different shapes like snowflakes, snowmen, Christmas trees and other things.  They were seriously cool! I want to get some for next year. 

We brought the kids to Gardner Village to see all the Christmas elves.  We let Sadie and Zac run off and do the hunt on their own and met them at the candy store about 45 minutes later.  So they ran off, and the younger three and Rob and I quickly found the kissing contest and decided to participate. :)

 Then we realized they meant the candy.  

 How embarrassing.  

 Emery thought it was gross.  

 We spotted Sadie and Zac.  

 Took a picture with a nutcracker.

 Emery wanted a picture with this huge caramel apple.  YUM.

 The kids loved this huge candy cane too.

 Elfie Selfie

The whole family with a few extra elves.  

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