Thursday, January 2, 2020

Fun with Friends

 Our good friends the Jones family were going to be moving away.  They have 3 kids that are all our kids ages.  So very last minute a few days  before they were packing up their truck to drive away, we decided to throw a little party.  I ended up inviting almost the entire primary and a lot of neighborhood kids.  We played some games and ate some treats.  We sure miss having those guys around.  But I think the kids had a good time at their going away party. 

 I should have taken a picture at the end of the night instead of at the beginning.  More and more kids kept coming.  So this isn't all of them.  There were close to 30 I think by the end of the party.  It was so crazy and loud, but so much fun.

 Down in the basement playing toss the marshmallows into your partner's cup.  I literally couldn't even yell loud enough to get the kids attention (I can't yell very loud) so Rob had to be the one to yell to get their attention so I could explain the games.  We did a few minute to win it games and then we did the saran wrap game.  WE separated into two groups (I'm so glad I made two!!) because there were so many kids.  ha ha.  It was a fun party but lets just say I was glad when it was over!  

Speaking of good friends, our friends the Caywoods invited us to go to Disney on Ice with them in Salt Lake.  There were just enough tickets for Rosalyn and I to bring all of our kids (minus Finley).  She ended up winning tickets on the radio.  Pretty cool!  Zac enjoyed the night I think, but he didn't want to show it. 

 We took up a whole row!

I hung out with Sadie and Zac.  I think my favorite part was when they had the cars from the movie Cars out driving around on the ice.  

Thanks for the free tickets and the fun night!

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