Monday, January 13, 2020

Grandma and Grandpa come visit!

 Everyone always loves it when grandma and grandpa come to visit.  My parent's came just before Christmas.  It was fun having them around.  And a big thanks to my dad for always helping with little projects around the house.  This time he fixed our fridge that hadn't been working right for a few weeks.  Luckily we had a second fridge downstairs to save our food, but it was an inconvenience walking up and down the stairs every time we wanted something from the fridge.  My snacking was at an all time low!  ha ha.  He replaced a part that didn't seem to be working and it worked...for a few weeks.  Then it started getting really cold (like 20 degrees) and then it would get warm (around 50 degrees).  You never knew what the temperature would be.  We moved the food up and down a few times until we decided to bite the bullet and just get a new one.  So now we have a new fridge.  Thanks for the temporary fix dad! He also fixed Sadie's bike brakes, and filled in some holes in the drywall in the basement.  :)  And Finley just loves grandpa.

 She is so silly.  

 The classic picture with grandma and grandpa.  Finley wasn't really in the mood.  

 One day Riley said she wanted to make a parachute out of her blanket.  Grandpa spent a while working on it with her.  They got it all tied and set up.  Then they went outside to see if it worked.

Here it goes!  I don't think it worked.  But it was a fun experiment.  She tied her unicorn to the bottom. 

Grandma always brings a fun little craft or project for the kids to do.  Here they are working on it.  I had to be sneaky about how I took the picture because Zac kept ducking out.  

Playing Sorry.

Great visit!  See you guys next time!

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